Our commitment to sustainability
In ProColombia we have decided to implement the Sustainability Model, which provides a framework for our responsibilities as an organization with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects, being a strategic tool to achieve our mission objectives and at the same time allows us to maintain coherence between what we promote and what we apply.

Results beyond the numbers
Our Integrated Management Reports
Communicating our sustainability actions
We implement various strategies to communicate to our stakeholders about our sustainable management. To this end, we publish sustainability reports in accordance with GRI standards, which can be consulted below.

Documents of interest
corporate sustainability
5,4 TON | Amount of recycled material in 2022. |
41 | Collaborators members of the Procolombia Tribe 2022 |
87 | Collaborators participating in the VIVERDE 2022 Challenge |
We have different initiatives focused on the efficient use of natural resources, the implementation of good practices for waste disposal and the mitigation of the impact we generate as a result of our organizational activities.
Our environmental management program ProColombia, is composed of different initiatives focused on the efficient use of natural resources, promotion of a correct waste disposal cycle and mitigation of the impact we generate as a result of the activities we carry out. These initiatives are implemented at different levels of the organization, prioritizing those aspects that we consider essential for a correct and efficient environmental management within our organization.
The VIVERDE program aims to encourage good environmental habits within the organization and an adequate management and handling of natural resources through the implementation of ecological and printing points within the facilities, as well as different recycling campaigns and good use of water and energy.

Reuse is also part of our strategy and we incorporate it as part of the criteria to be taken into account when selecting and evaluating our suppliers. We implement practices that reduce environmental impacts by working together with our suppliers in which we apply different initiatives to use ecological materials, recycle or reuse elements that can be used in other activities.
Finally, we measure our carbon footprint, which allows us to identify in a quantified way the total amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions that are released directly or indirectly into the atmosphere as a result of the development of our organization's activities. Once the measurement is done, we develop strategies aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change, seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and change consumption patterns, guiding the activities of our organization in a rational and sustainable manner.

Our objective is to generate scenarios of rapprochement with suppliers, disclosing actions and creating spaces to share sustainable practices.
+104 | volunteers during 2023 |
5 | Allied Foundations 2022 |
+ 1230 | Hours of volunteer work donated |
+ 390 | Persons benefited 2022 |
ProActivos is an initiative created with the purpose of providing ProColombia's employees with the opportunity to generate a positive impact on society, through experiences that allow them to strengthen their skills and develop a greater commitment to the country and the organization, through a structured corporate volunteer program, consistent with the organizational strategy and aligned with corporate values. Following this objective, two lines of action were designed within the program: - Volunteer days that seek to promote and support activities and spaces that generate greater social and environmental awareness and sensitivity in ProColombia's collaborators, thus contributing to environmental conservation and country building. Examples of these are the school caravan, cleaning and recovery of spaces, tree planting, among others.

Mentors without borders, which aims to develop complementary training processes for children, young people and adults in vulnerable conditions in the foundations allied to ProColombia. We also have two alternatives: Academic Reinforcement for boys and girls; and Emprende+ for entrepreneurs who are just starting out. For 2023 we have a hybrid program, which will allow ProColombia's collaborators to join from any city in the country and the world and thus continue working for the sustainable development of our country.
Corporate Governance

It is in charge, among other functions, of evaluating and approving the strategy, goals, personnel and budget, as well as monitoring management. It is made up of: The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism; a representative of Bancoldex; two designated representatives of the President of the Republic; two representatives of the private sector and the President of Fiducoldex (Participant with voice but no vote).

The presidency committee is responsible for the execution of the organization's strategy and resources, as well as the review and construction of the mission, vision, corporate values and strategic objectives, in accordance with governmental guidelines, together with the monitoring and review of the quality management system. It is made up of: The President and the directors of the organization.

These are meetings between the area's highest authority and his or her work team to communicate the strategy, follow up on the area's action plan, review commitments, among others.
Transparency Mechanisms
ProColombia, as a government organization and in compliance with its mission, establishes a culture of transparency and ethics, defining policies that allow it to promote standards of behavior and clear rules in different areas where it carries out its work. In this sense, it has transparency guidelines which are described below: