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Transparency mechanisms ProActivos surpasses geographical limits through its "Mentors without borders" program.

Jóvenes de espalda con camisetas de ProColombia
Niños y jóvenes sentados sonrientes

Transparency mechanismsProActivos surpasses geographical limits through its "Mentors without borders" program.

During the first semester of 2023, we were able to provide a magical experience to 60 children from Bogota and Tumaco, taking them on a journey through the six regions of our beautiful country. Over the course of five Saturdays, ProActivos volunteers connected and participated in sessions with children from the YMCA foundation in Bogota and Global Humanitaria in Tumaco, Nariño.

Learn more about our corporate volunteer program ProActivos Click here.

Despite the rain and connectivity difficulties, these children were not prevented from learning about Colombia's most representative and emblematic National Natural Parks. On the contrary, their enthusiasm to learn more about our mountains, jungles, beaches, wetlands, deserts and cities allowed them to overcome all obstacles.

Thanks to the games, dynamics and exercises implemented by the mentors, these children not only had fun, but were also able to strengthen their skills in reading, writing and analysis. The children's smiles were the best gift the mentors could receive, as a token of appreciation for their commitment and time dedicated to the preparation and execution of the classes.

We hope to count on you in the next calls for Mentors Without Borders H2! Help us to continue promoting the dreams of the children and adolescents of our partner foundations.

For more information, please contact Lucía Uribe at, from the Quality and Sustainability Department.

Mentors without borders hybrid modality

Preview image for the video "CIERRE MENTORES SIN FRONTERAS H1-2023".

Mentors without borders virtual modality

Preview image for the video "Cierre de semestre voluntariado Pro-Activos, sostenibilidad".


Strategic partners

APC colombia
TFO Canada
Colombia productiva
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colombia es pais