Any company with potential that receives or is in the process of receiving a Service or Instrument from PROCOLOMBIA. There are foreign accounts (managed by commercial offices or representatives abroad) and national accounts (managed by the different areas in Colombia: management, regional offices, transversal areas).
Business Opportunity
It exists when there is an expression of interest to buy Colombian goods or services, to promote Colombia as a tourist destination or to invest in Colombia.
Buyer's Mission
A Buyers' Mission consists of summoning international buyers to Colombia in order to establish commercial relations that lead to the sale of Colombian products.
Commercial Agendas:
It consists of making appointments with potential clients, which are arranged by PROCOLOMBIA, through its Commercial Offices, according to the product to be offered and the profile of the client requested by the Colombian company to which the Service is provided.
Colombian Exporters Directory
Database of Colombian exporting companies. Guests will find basic company information including exported products.
Consultative Selling Skills
The third and last part of the SMP corresponds to the set of skills and recommendations to be taken into account during the management of accounts in Colombia and abroad (exporters, buyers, international agents, associations or foreign investors, as well as during the accompaniment of business opportunities.
Double Sale
The PROCOLOMBIA Selling Process PSP is a double selling process. The first sale, in some cases, takes place simultaneously in Colombia and abroad and corresponds to "selling PROCOLOMBIA's support and facilitation services or instruments", making companies in Colombia want to work in "partnership" with PROCOLOMBIA and companies abroad (buyers, international agents, investors, etc.) accept our support in finding potential suppliers, destinations, products or investment opportunities. The second corresponds to the facilitation in the development of the business opportunity for the successful closing. This dual selling feature makes the PSP an atypical sales process in relation to that of any commercial organization.
Information Center
Inter-institutional project that in alliance between the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Bancoldex and PROCOLOMBIA offers:
- Information, guidance and advice on foreign trade.
- Self-consultation screens.
- Personalized attention in all aspects of foreign trade, with specialized business advisors.
- Personalized telephone answering line (Call Center).
- Specialized library.
- Internet Café with advice on the use of foreign trade web tools.
- Permanent training program through the organization of conferences.
Key Account
A key account is an account in Colombia or abroad with which a joint work plan is developed (between PROCOLOMBIA and the entrepreneur) to identify opportunities and convert them into business (exports, investment or visits by international travelers).
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
It is the tool that allows the follow-up of the development and progress of business opportunities managed and facilitated by PROCOLOMBIA. In order to achieve an adequate follow-up, 4 stages have been defined in the development of an opportunity, which vary according to the origin of the business: exports, tourism or investment, as described below.
Potential Buyer, Agent, Wholesaler or Investor
It is the foreign company that due to its characteristics is able to buy products of the Colombian exportable offer, to promote the visit of travelers to Colombia or to invest in Colombia.
Internet information service that provides information on the entity, as well as free access to content and practical and standardized information on the behavior of Colombian exports to markets and the dynamics of foreign trade in other countries.
PROCOLOMBIA Selling Methodology (PSM)
Standard methodology composed of PROCOLOMBIA Selling Process (PSP), Tools and Advisory Selling Skills. The purpose of this methodology is to carry out an adequate follow-up and monitoring of the accounts in Colombia and abroad, as well as the development and progress of each of the business opportunities and their achievements or results, and at the same time evaluate the management of the Trust and its impact.
Any company that may be interesting to contact to validate its potential as an exporter or buyer of goods or services, promoter of Colombia as a tourist destination, or as an investor.
Public Relations
A possibility is configured in opportunity when between an Account in Colombia and one abroad there is a mutual interest; when the agent, wholesaler or Association begins to promote Colombia as a destination, or when the foreign investor makes an agenda. The buyer, agent or investor may have been identified by an account in Colombia, or as a result of one or more Services or Instruments provided by PROCOLOMBIA. The initiative may come from both the Colombian company and the foreign company, or it may be created by the Commercial Office that, proactively, has identified a potential buyer, agent or investor and then, in conjunction with Colombia, a potential opportunity is configured.
Spot Business
It is an opportunity that generates achievements immediately, without the need for additional management to the one that generated its existence. They usually arise from events such as buyers' missions to national events, business rounds, participation in international fairs or other types of instruments or services in which PROCOLOMBIA takes steps to contact foreigners and Colombians and business is closed immediately without the need for intervention or facilitation by PROCOLOMBIA in its development and follow-up
Legal business by which a natural or legal person called trustor or constituent (Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism), delivers to a trust company (Fiducoldex) one or more specific assets. The trustee is obliged to manage them, in order to fulfill a specific purpose.
Trade Missions
To provide adequate tools that allow both Colombian exporters and international buyers to make the most of their interaction, PROCOLOMBIA organizes Sellers' or Buyers' Missions, with the support of the Commercial Offices abroad.
This is the second part of the PSM and comprises the tools that support the development of the processes (Account Plan, Opportunity Plan, Map of Possibilities and Opportunities, Pipeline).
Vendor Mission
A Sales Mission consists of one or more Colombian businessmen traveling to their target market to explore the market, identify clients, consolidate business, follow up with distributors, launch new products, or participate as an observer in trade fairs or specific events.