The PROCOLOMBIA Trust is an autonomous patrimony created by Law (organic statute of the financial system) and constituted by means of a contract entered into between the Nation - today the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - and Fiduciaria Colombiana de Comercio Exterior S.A., Fiducoldex.
Fiduciaria Fiducoldex, as administrator of the patrimony, renders semiannual accounts to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in accordance with the regulations of the Code of Commerce, and also to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia. It also submits its accounts, as an entity subject to fiscal control, to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic. In addition, the Legal Representative for trust matters, i.e. the Presidency of ProColombia, submits an annual report to the Advisory Board of the trust that summarizes the progress and achievements made during the fiscal year.
For more information on Fiducoldex's accountability, please visit the following link: https://www.fiducoldex.com.co
For more information on the accountability of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism - MINCIT, please visit the following link: https://www.mincit.gov.co