MinCIT Sector Strategic Planning 2018-2022
The Ministry, together with its affiliated and related entities, has set out in its strategic plan objectives and strategies to address the major challenges established by the PND in order to improve the quality of life of citizens. The plan is the result of a collective construction in which the different entities that make up the sector have participated and contains the detail of the challenges assumed for the four-year period 2018 - 2022, around six axes:
- Competitive Environment: create enabling conditions to achieve business growth.
- Productivity and Innovation: increase business productivity and generate economic growth and development.
- Investment: attract high-impact investment for the country.
- Entrepreneurship and Formalization: facilitate formalization, entrepreneurship, and its scalability.
- New Sources of Growth: achieve disruptive growth in sectors with significant impact on GDP and employment.
Institutional Strengthening: improve sectoral performance, strengthening innovative thinking, commitment, and growth of human capital, in the search for results that contribute to the transformation of the country and promote inclusive and sustainable economic and business development.
For further information, please consult the Strategic Plan on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.