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Comunicaciones ProColombia

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Colombian Beauty Industry Brings Innovation to Cosmoprof North America

Colombian beauty industry stand

This year, for the first time ever, a large delegation of 15 Colombian com-panies will be participating in Cosmoprof North America, proving why Co-lombia’s varied business network and a wide range of natural ingredients meet the international market’s needs. The 19th edition of this event, will take place in Las Vegas Convention Center from July 12th through 14th.

Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) is the leading business-to-business (B2B) trade show in the Americas. The event offers the entire beauty in-dustry an opportunity to come together, make new relationships, and fos-ter collaboration. The trade show is a robust platform that has the contin-uous support and presence of key industry entities and leading beauty associations.

Armesso, Naissant, Daphne, Grupo Euro Belleza, Dermanat, L’mar, Dro-gueria San Jorge, Botanica, Naturesse, S&D Laboratorios, Kerax, La Po-cion, Saderma, and Skinlab, are the companies that will be showing off the best Colombian products made with natural ingredients.

Colombia has a high potential to develop ingredients from products like Acai, avocado, achiote, genicap, camu camu, and cacao, among others.


According to the entity responsible for taking these companies to partici-pate in Cosmoprof North America, The Chamber of Commerce of Cali, Colombia, “15 companies from Cali Beauty Cluster, the second biggest exporter of beauty and personal care products in Colombia, bring to Cos-moprof North America 2022 an assortment of exclusive and high quality products that evoke the diversity and richness of our country and region and cater to different types of consumers who look for functional, top qual-ity and specialized haircare or skincare products, fragrances, among others.”


For L’Mar, one of the Colombian companies participating in Cosmoprof Vegas this year, there is only one time to make a first impression and they are ready to take advantage of this moment, “Our value proposal is based on the already achieved results. From the first application the ben-efits we promise are obtained. We only have one opportunity to make the best first impression, just like in a beauty salon where the client has to leave satisfied from day one. Our products are also always tested by pro-fessionals and beauty specialists.”

In the same way, L’Mar prides itself in having an Eco-Friendly policy:

“We have currently achieved a 15% reduction in water consumption in all our processes. We have also reduced our energy consumption by 10% in all our operations. We are taking advantage of 75% of our process waste and recycling and collecting 10% of the containers and packaging that we put on the market every year. In addition to this commitment, we do not test on animals, nor do we use raw materials that do.”

For Droguerias San Jorge, their wide experience in the pharmaceutical and beauty sector has been the key to bring innovation, “We always carry out innovation with the consumer in mind, we look for their needs and how, from our capabilities and experience, we can satisfy them. During our more than 65 years of experience, we have formed an interdisciplinary team with chemical pharmacists, marketers, and commercial personnel who provide all the technical and human support to make these projects a reality. This year we brought our line of natural PILI products to Las Vegas, which highlights the entire world of calendula, a plant with excel-lent benefits in skin care; A line of great acceptance among our consumers in Colombia and also our best-selling products on Amazon in the United States.”


“The quality and innovation of Colombian products stand out in foreign markets. Proof of this is that in 2021, the cosmetics and toiletries sector registered exports of USD 601.6 million, which represented a growth of 7.9% compared to 2020. The cosmetics sub-sector exported USD 251.1 million, personal hygiene USD 119 million and hair products USD 108.2 million. This means, more than 248 thousand tons were sold around the world. In the United States, the sector reached exports worth USD 22.8 million, equivalent to 6,007 tons," said Flavia Santoro, President of ProColombia, the government agency in charge of promoting internation-ally Colombia’s goods and services, its tourism, and the attraction of for-eign investment into the country.


“So far this year, a total of USD 211.1 million and 8,860 tons have been exported and distributed as follows: cosmetics USD 80.8 million, personal hygiene products USD 41.8 million and hair products USD 34.8 millions. USD 6.9 million have been sold in the United States, equivalent to 195 tons. We are proud to come along these Colombian brands in this widely-respected industry event, Santoro added.

In addition to these 15 companies from the beauty and personal care in-dustry, the company Amfora Packaging will also participate in Cosmoprof North America. This company, specialized in designing, developing, and manufacturing plastic packaging and caps for the cosmetic, personal care, pharmaceutical, and food industries, has recently taken new actions to offer the best packaging solutions with the minimum environmental im-pact.

For the company, Cosmoprof North America will be the perfect event to continue expanding its international presence and increasing its exports to key markets. During the event, Amfora Packaging will locate in Booth #56040.

Colombia has 121 Free Trade Zones that are located near major seaports and airports, which reduce production costs. The same is true when it comes to the country’s strategic location, which facilitates excellent logis-tical air connectivity.

Colombia’s large domestic market continues to grow, and individual con-sumption is high compared to other countries in the region.

Colombia has 17 trade agreements with access to 29 countries, which favors a preferential tariff for exports.

Leading companies in the industry such as L’oreal, J&J, P&G, and Unile-ver, among others, chose Colombia as an investment destination

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