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Comunicaciones ProColombia

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Colombia appears in Biedronka

Banner of woman in hammock on the beach

The colors and flavors of Colombia will take center stage from June 9 to 14 in Poland’s the largest retail chain, offering a variety of products such as yuca chips, cocadas, and guava jelly.

As part of the Acción Colombia initiative, from June 9 to 14, Biedronka will offer its customers a Colombian range, the best of what Colombia has to offer, including plantain and yucca chips, herbal teas, guava jelly, coffee, dehydrated and chocolate-covered fruits, coconut candies, hammocks, sweets, and other confectioneries that will delight shoppers across their 3,200 stores.

And the fact is that Poland is becoming an increasingly important market for Colombian exporters. In 2017, it was the 50th most popular destination for Colombian products, but in 2022, it jumped to 34th place. Today, it is one of the top 10 destinations in Europe. In addition, the amount of exports doubled, reaching US $56 million in 2022, with an average year-on-year growth of 29%.


Projections are favorable, especially for the agribusiness sector. Carmen Caballero, president of ProColombia—an entity under the Colombian Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism that internationally promotes investment, exports, and tourism—said, "We are supporting these Colombian companies that are sending 39 containers full of over 20 products that have the potential to increase their participation in the Polish market, a destination that has been gaining relevance in our strategy of bringing Colombian supply closer to international demand, because for the last five years it has been increasing its food purchases from around the world."


"Biedronka decided to bring Colombia closer to its customers and was the only chain on the Polish market to introduce such an exotic themed action. In order to introduce our customers to flavours and handicrafts that are completely different from European ones, we have introduced a wide Colombian offer. We not only want to expand the taste experience of our customers, but also to enable them to purchase distinctive products that are usually brought back from exotic journeys, such as handmade Colombian hammocks." - Sylwia Bucka, brand development director responsible for the Colombian offer in the Biedronka chain.

According to Trademap figures, Poland's imports increased from US $267.7 billion in 2018 to US $358.593 billion in 2022, which represents a growth of more than 30%. During this period, purchases of agricultural products grew 42%, mainly from Germany and the Netherlands.

The arrival of these products in Poland has been possible thanks to the collaboration between the Colombian Embassy in Poland and ProColombia, led by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism.

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