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Colombia Travel Mart is an excellent venue for the generation of business opportunities, since most participants will be visiting Colombia for the first time. It is the perfect opportunity to show the best of our destinations, products and tourist services in Colombia within the framework of the ANATO Tourism Showcase.

Desde: 2011-02-24 - hasta:


The twentythird version of the International Footwear and Leather Show will include the participation of nearly 400 exhibitors among which are footwear, leather products and leather garment manufacturers coming from the main industries in Colombia: Barranquilla, Bogota, Bucaramanca, Cucuta, the Coffee Growing Region, Medellin and Pasto, mainly. And so far, Brazil and Mexico from the international arena.

Official Site 

Desde: 2011-02-15 - hasta:


BioFach is the most important organic product fair in the world. IFOAM, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements, is the supporter of BioFach.
You can find a wide array of certified organic foods, fruits, vegetables, wine and, since 2009, even organic fabric materials.

Desde: 2011-02-17 - hasta:

Colombia se consolida como destino de inversión en América Latina

La inclusión de Colombia como cabeza de los denominados “Civets” abre la puerta para la llegada de nueva Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) al país. Los incentivos tributarios, la seguridad al inversionista y el crecimiento económico sostenido se convierten en razones de peso para la atracción de más IED.

Siguiendo la recomendación del ex presidente del Banco Hsbc, Michael Geoghegan, quien afirmó que toda compañía con ambiciones globales tendría que tomar acción en las economías denominadas “Civets” (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egipto, Turquía y Sudáfrica), los ojos de los inversionistas del mundo se encuentran puestos en el país.

More than 500 from Valle participated in the PROCOLOMBIA 2010 activities

The work has been based on globalizing local companies to promote non-traditiona
The work has been based on globalizing local companies to promote non-traditional exports, attract foreign investment and regional tourism

A total of 536 companies from different sectors participated in 2010 in the activities that PROCOLOMBIA carried out in 2010 in Cali, in order to promote non-traditional exports, attract foreign investment and position the city and the region as international tourism destination.

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