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Companies ready for the sustainable future, in view of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

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Companies ready for the sustainable future, in view of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

With the aim of driving the transition to a fair and sustainable economy, the European Union has established standards that companies and their supply chains must meet to ensure and promote the protection of human rights and care for the environment.

This is the basis for the creation of Germany's Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), which shows companies the importance of preparing for increasingly stringent regulations that member states will introduce in order to maintain business relationships with customers on the continent.

This input will provide relevant information in terms of generalities, objectives, application, impact on the Colombian export fabric and recommended steps to avoid non-compliance with these regulations.

Additionally, the questionnaire of the German Due Diligence Act is included, which, although it is not directly binding for Colombian businessmen, they must provide to their respective buyers for their compliance.

To be part of the supply chain, it is necessary to be able to provide truthful information and make constant progress in guaranteeing human and environmental rights. As a complement to the knowledge of the Law in question, this document will provide you with information of the main segments contained in the related questionnaire.

Please refer to the documents below:

Due Diligence Act in Germany

Questionnaire to be filled out by German companies

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