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Mitigating our carbon footprint hand in hand with entrepreneurs

Empresarios sembrando árboles

We reduced the carbon footprint generated at the ProColombia Nature Travel Mart 2018.

Within the framework of the Macrorrueda ProColombia Nature Travel Mart 2018, which was held on October 3, 4 and 5 in Yopal Casanare, with the purpose of generating business opportunities for nature tourism companies and strengthening their capacities, we carried out some actions that allowed us to bring the attending entrepreneurs much closer to sustainable development and have tangible impacts in the region.

Among some of the actions carried out, we launched our sustainability report, trained more than 80 entrepreneurs on good sustainable practices and invited the Saving The Amazon Foundation to promote tree planting and support for indigenous communities in the Amazon.

One of the most important actions was the delivery of ecological badges to the participants. Those that were returned were delivered to the La Fortuna reserve located in the heart of Casanare, where 48 entrepreneurs planted the Guayacan seeds that were inside each badge. A total of 165 trees were planted on 3 hectares, offsetting 46 tons of CO2 of the carbon footprint generated by the event.

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