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Sustainable investment: ProColombia's commitment to territorial development

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PODCAST ProColombia Sostenible

Sustainable investment: ProColombia's commitment to territorial development

Thinking about sustainability as a slogan for the design, execution and attraction of projects is a commitment to long-term development; this is how ProColombia's Vice-Presidency of Investment, led by Julio Puentes, has understood it. In this edition of ProColombia Sostenible Podcast we talked with him about the strategic actions that are being carried out by his department to attract foreign investment that responds to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Global Agenda.
"We have been working hand in hand with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, with them we have defined some lines of work focused on the Proactive Promotion for the reindustrialization and the Boost to the territories among other key aspects", explains the Vice President of Investment of ProColombia, Julio César Puentes.

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