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See comparative tables of sustainability certifications and quality standards for different industries.

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See comparative tables of sustainability certifications and quality standards for different industries.

Considering that international sustainability certificates and quality standards not only promote more environmentally and socially responsible practices, but also offer competitive, financial and image advantages to those who obtain them, we consolidate some of the most relevant ones in comparative tables for different industries, which will allow you to know the importance and procedures to be followed to obtain them. The document includes information such as the definition of the certificate/standard, its scope, the route to certification and the validity once acquired.

Consult the documents of the production chains in the following links:
Comparative table of certifications and sustainability and quality standards. Metal-mechanic production chain and other industries.


Comparative table of certifications and sustainability and quality standards. Chemicals and life sciences production chain.


Comparative table of certifications and sustainability and quality standards. Sistema Moda production chain.


Comparative table of certifications and sustainability and quality standards. Agrifood production chain.

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