Renewable energy in Colombia
Univergy was established in 2012 as a result of the merger of different entities with extensive experience in renewable energy. Its objective is to offer clean energy solutions worldwide, diversifying energy sources in the sector and using sustainability as a fundamental pillar in the development of its projects. Its management team has more than 20 years of experience in photovoltaic and wind generation sources, in addition to energy generation projects and optimization of natural resources.
Univergy arrived in Colombia in 2016, covering a generation need in the energy sector derived from the effects of the “El Niño” phenomenon, serving as an alternative to the existing supply in the country. By this time, Law 1715 was already approved, which aims to promote the development and use of non-conventional energy sources, mainly those of a renewable nature, in Colombia's energy system.
This law seeks that these energy models have an integration to the national energy market, generating a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the security of energy supply, among other benefits.