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ProColombia facilitated the arrival of 197 foreign investment projects in 2020

Colonial streets of colombia

In its role of promoting non-mining and non-energy foreign direct investment, in 2020, ProColombia facilitated the arrival of 197 projects with new investments and reinvestments by foreign multinationals in the country for an estimate of US $9.077 billion. According to investors, their launch and implementation will create more than 70,800 new jobs.

Investments managed by ProColombia come from investors in 41 countries, including the United States, China, Korea, Mexico, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Australia.


In terms of attracting foreign investment, at ProColombia we closed 2020 with very positive results. We facilitated the arrival of 197 projects with businesses worth US $9.077 billion, which reflects the interest that our country awakens as a business destination. The investments made are 45.2% more than our projected goal for this year, which was 170 projects with an investment of US $6.25 billion. This is very good news for Colombia, as the development of these initiatives helps drive Colombia’s economic reactivation,” said Flavia Santoro, president of ProColombia.


The projects will be implemented in 56 municipalities in 19 departments, such as Cundinamarca, Cesar, Meta, Antioquia, Risaralda, Valle, Santander, Magdalena, Boyacá, Nariño, Quindío, Atlántico, Guajira, Tolima, Bolívar, Vichada, Caldas, and Bogotá.


Nearshoring and anchors for development

As a response to the current situation, the National Government, led by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism, and ProColombia, has been promoting Colombia’s competitive advantages as a destination for nearshoring and attracting new foreign investment.

To date, we have contacted more than 600 companies, 106 of which stated that they are considering Colombia as a possible destination for relocation to be closer to their consumption centers.

Among the projects managed during 2020, we received 30 anchor investors, surpassing our goal for the year of 10. These are first-time investments for 27 investors while 3 are reinvesting in the country.

According to investor reports, the 27 anchors starting operations in Colombia plan to develop 32 projects with businesses for a value of US $3.8 billion, creating 12,430 new jobs. The 3 companies that are reinvesting are developing 4 projects for a value of US $115.3 million, creating 750 jobs.

The projects are aimed at sectors such as BPO, agribusiness, renewable energies, telecommunications, software and IT, packaging, tourism, among others.


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