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ProColombia Prensa

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Colombia, best country brand in Latin America in 2020

Church in the middle of a colonial city in Colombia

The international judging panel recognized Colombia’s success in promoting its Country Brand through the promotion of its economy.

In the Americas, Colombia ranked third, preceded by Canada and the United States, and is the only country in the top of the Country Brand Awards ranking.

This new recognition makes us proud and motivates us to continue working with our Country Brand with conviction and persevering in optimism, to show the world’s investors the best of Colombia and, together with foreign direct investment, continue on our path of reactivation, growth, and competitiveness,” said Flavia Santoro, president of ProColombia.


The Country Brand Awards independently evaluate three fundamental components in the construction of the Country Brand: the capacity to create an economic brand through the attraction of foreign investment, talent, and the promotion of exports; the capacity to build a tourism brand; and a new index, which involve its response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Globally, the three top-rated countries in this field are Asian: South Korea, Singapore, and Japan. Germany was the leader in Europe, followed by France and Switzerland.

For Colombia, it represents a recognition of our Country Brand in attracting FDI, talent, and promoting exports.

This recognition is in addition to the one recently awarded by Site Selection magazine, which recognized Colombia for having the best investment attraction strategy in Latin America.

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