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Comunicaciones ProColombia

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National Dialogue

Panoramic photography of the city

Last update: August 9

  • · The President is leading the national dialogue in order to reject violence, accelerate mass vaccination and ensure the continuity of social programs and the protection of the most vulnerable.
  • · The Government is making progress, for example, with the territorial entities in the goal of providing more opportunities to the country's young people through access to higher education. For this reason, the signing of Zero Enrolment Agreements with public higher education institutions in various regions of the country continues.
  • · The Program will benefit about 695 thousand young people from strata 1, 2 and 3 throughout Colombia, representing 97% of undergraduate students in higher education institutions for the academic periods corresponding to the second semester of 2021 and 2022.
  • · President Duque said that the government is putting all its efforts so that the economy grows this year above 7%.
  • · "There is a consensus among analysts that we can indeed grow above 7% this year, which won’t happen if there is not a combination of public and private measures”.
  • · He predicted that Colombia may reach that growth because today the country will reach 29 million vaccines applied, and that by the end of August it will reach 35 million, which means that it will have 35 million Colombians with full doses.
  • · "If we combine this with the social measures that are under discussion, the credit operations, the specialized lines and a reactivation agenda, the country is now marching to what would be the fastest recovery from the worst recession we have experienced historically, due to COVID-19," he said.
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