The document was presented at BarCamp in Campus Party Colombia 2011, and it contains figures, sector trends, information on where business is being generated, what platforms are being developed and which have the largest growth potential.
The study may be downloaded for free, and was developed by Datamonitor and purchased by PROCOLOMBIA with the purpose of supporting the entity&rsquo s internationalization strategy.
The publication contains detailed information on the potential markets in the world like Asia Pacific, Germany, Belgium, Canada, China, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
" Within the world of video games, one of the most important topics pertains to market research, business review and planning, and obviously, figures the most important pillar for the industry. It was a long time coming,&rdquo said Alejandro Gonzalez, Director of a digital animation and video game company.
On the other hand, Martin Restrepo, an educational content businessman in the field of mobile devices, assured that " this is a great incentive for the content, creative and applications industries. There is a lot of optimism in the sector and a lot of new business and prosperity will come to the region from this moment on.
The study has pointed out, for instance, that the global video game software market will grow by 37 percent in 2014, reaching the amount of US$53.9 billion.
Moreover, the console video game market is the largest video game software market, with 88.9% of the market value.
He has also assured that the industry is diversifying in aspects like the acquisition of shares and worldwide distribution, and that while the segment has been led by console and computer games, today&rsquo s trend has been moving towards social networks and mobile telephony.
To see the study, please go to http://www.proexport.com.co/