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Two cruise liner companies will double their arrivals in Cartagena

Norwegian Cruise Lines and Princes Cruise will double the number of arrivals in Cartagena during the 2012-2013 season.

Maria Claudia Lacouture, President of PROCOLOMBIA announced this Wednesday that two major cruise liners will double the number of arrivals in the city of Cartagena as of next year.

During her participation at Seatrade 2011, held in Miami, Lacouture conveyed a message of trust and commitment towards the country by the companies Norwegian Cruise Lines and Princess Cruise for the 2012-2013 season.

" During the first season the number of arrivals increased from five, which were planned for the 2011-2012 season, to eleven, also doubling the number of passengers by approximately 20 thousand during the second, Princess Cruise went from 23 to 43 arrivals, also achieving an additional one to Santa Marta&rdquo , said the President of Proexport.

Lacouture stated that the organization will continue to work for new cruise liner companies to include Colombian ports in their itineraries and for large cruise ships to dock on our shores.

" What matters is not the number of ships, but how large they are, since this will enable us to increase the number of passengers even if the number of ships goes down. That is what is happening in Colombia&rdquo , said the President of Proexport.

The cruise line sector has been the one with the highest growth in the Colombian tourism industry. The number of ships and tourists arriving in the country has increased by over one thousand percent since 2003.

According to the information issued by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, in 2007 99 cruise ships docked in Colombia with over 126,890 passengers in 2008, 161 ships with 228,221 tourists in 2009, 204 ships with 324,581 tourists and last year there was a record 267 cruise ships with 401,008 tourists.

Opportunities in Colombian Ports
Since last Monday, March 14th, Colombia has participated in Seatrade 2011, the most important annual encounter in the world for the cruise liner industry, visited yearly by approximately 10 thousand people among exhibitors, visitors and specialized press.

The Colombian presence, led by PROCOLOMBIA, will include Aviatur, Gerlein y Compa&ntilde &iacute a, Seico, Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta, Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena, Quimbaya Tours Int., JC Tours, Rozo y C&iacute a, Corporaci&oacute n Turismo Cartagena de Indias and Colombia 57.

National entrepreneurs will be able to meet with executives from the main cruise liner companies to offer their services and tourist packages.

On the other hand, PROCOLOMBIA will have the chance to rank Colombia as a main cruise liner destination in the region through its stand at the fair, promoting the available tourism offer and increasing the number of ships docking on Colombian ports.

" Our wish is for more new companies to come, and that will be our job in Miami&rdquo , stated Maria Claudia Lacouture, President of Proexport.

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