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Tourism Investment Opportunities to be presented at the IHIF Forum in Germany

Proexport Colombia will present the country's offerings in the field of hotel investment before over 1600 executives from the world’s corporate and vacation hotel sector.

In order to rank Colombia as one of the countries with the best opportunities for hotel investments, PROCOLOMBIA will participate in the International Investment Forum &ndash IHIF, to be held until this coming Wednesday in Berlin, Germany.

Close to 1600 entrepreneurs from the world's tourism sector will have the opportunity to know the Colombian offering in hotel-project development, which will create investment opportunities and allow the entry of new international chains into the country.

&quot We are participating in this fair in Germany to show the major players in the vacation and corporate tourism sector that Colombia provides hundreds of investment opportunities. We have been invited to the &quot Hidden Gems for Investment&rdquo panel to share our country&rsquo s success cases,&quot said PROCOLOMBIA&rsquo s President, Maria Claudia Lacouture.

Within the Forum&rsquo s framework, Colombia has developed one-to-one agendas with close to 12 hotel-chain investors from England, the United States, Portugal and Spain.

Upon the closing of the first day of the Forum, opportunities have been identified for cities like Cartagena and Bogota in luxury and boutique hotels.

Meetings will be held this Wednesday where Colombia will continue to present investment offers including, among other cities, Santa Marta, Medellin, Cali, Bucaramanga, Villa de Leyva, the Coffee Triangle and San Andr&eacute s.

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