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Tomorrow PROCOLOMBIA Will Present Colombian Investment Opportunities in Israel

Proexport president Maria Claudia Lacouture will give a presentation to at least 150 Israeli entrepreneurs.

On Wednesday PROCOLOMBIA president Maria Claudia Lacouture will present opportunities to develop new businesses in Colombia and regional possibilities to attract investment to over 150 Israeli entrepreneurs.

" We have detected that there are several productive sectors in Colombia and Israel that complement each other very well. In the seminar we will talk about the reasons why Colombia is an ally that the Israelis have yet to discover," affirmed the PROCOLOMBIA president.

Participants in the seminar represent companies in tourism, manufacturing and services sectors who are interested in investing in Colombia.

The event, which will be held at the Dan Panorama Hotel convention center in Tel Aviv, will also be attended by Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos, Israel' s Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Silvan Shalom, and the ambassadors of both countries.

Guest panelists include Natalie Gutman, director of Bilateral Trade Agreements for Israel' s Ministry of Economy, and Javier Gamboa, the lead negotiator for the Colombia-Israel Free Trade Agreement.

Ronald Bakalarz from the Staton Group and Daniel Haime from the Colombian company Textilia S.A. will talk about their experience in Colombia during the " How to do Business with Colombia" panel.

This business conference is part of the State visit by Juan Manuel Santos, who will also meet with 15 of the largest companies in Israel to encourage and invite them establish offices in Colombia.

The seminar was organized by PROCOLOMBIA with the support of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, Foreign Trade Administration in the Ministry of Economy, the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute, the Israeli Embassy in Colombia and the Colombia-Israeli Chamber of Commerce.

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