South Floridians are invited to sample Colombian delicacies and products from recognized brands, such as Alpina, Colcafe, Doñ a Arepa, Incauca, Noel, Postobon, Copelia, El Rey, and JGB y Pan Guadalupe, which will be available in select Publix Supermarkets where there is a concentrated Latin American population. The goal of the events is to position Colombian brands in the market and boost sales of these goods.
PROCOLOMBIA USA, the Colombian Government Trade Bureau, organized the first " Taste of Colombian Flavor&rdquo in 2009 at Publix Supermarkets in South Florida. The total sales from the Colombian products offered at the Publix Supermarket increased 20% as a result of the " A Taste of Colombian Flavors&rdquo event held then. For the third consecutive year, PROCOLOMBIA will continue to promote and position Colombian food products and brands. For the upcoming 2011 edition of the event, total sales are expected to grow even more than the previous years due to additional brands being offered, as well as the expansion of the initiative into other states and chain supermarkets.
Publix is one of the 10 largest supermarket chains in the United States, with more than 1,000 stores and average annual sales per store of more than $55 million. By working together with Publix, PROCOLOMBIA expects Colombia&rsquo s food products and marketing messages to reach more than 3,000 Colombians, as well as many other American demographics, including Hispanic consumers from other Latin American countries. Given the growing number of Hispanic consumers in the United States, including a population that accounts for more than one-third of the total population in Florida, this event is of particular interest to wholesalers, due to its ability to raise sales and market share among this demographic.
For more information on the " A Taste of Colombian Flavors&rdquo event, contact the PROCOLOMBIA office in Miami (