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Special Colombian Coffee Recognized at Sial Canada as Among the Best in the World

Healthy snacks, exotic fruit and cocoa-based products from Colombia were also praised during the food and beverage fair in which seven Colombian companies participated with Proexport's support.

With a score of 84.5 in the Single Origin category, the Valle del Cauca-based South Commerce Group&#39 s Emilia Supreme Coffee was recognized as one of the best specialty coffees in the world during the Coffee Cup organized by Sial Canada, one of the most important food and beverage fairs in the industry.

They served us a very special cup of coffee that captivated both judges and assistants. We enjoyed a 100% Colombian cup of coffee stated Chris Hallien, one of the judges.

South Commerce Group&#39 s Gustavo Valderrama asserted that during the event, &quot we generated recognition and recall, and confirmed what the company already knew about our quality.&quot

However, the Colombian pavilion was not the center of attention just because of Colombian coffee. &quot Healthy snacks, cocoa-based products and exotic fruit, served as soursop, passion fruit and blackberry milkshakes, were also well received&quot , explained Maria Claudia Lacouture, PROCOLOMBIA&#39 s president. PROCOLOMBIA supported the participation of seven Colombian companies at the exhibition in Toronto.

Retailers and importers, including some of the best known in the market, such as Costco, Loblaws and Longos, showed interest in purchasing Colombian products. Colombian produce was represented at the fair by confectionery, coffee, sugar and fruit pulp companies.

PROCOLOMBIA also supported the participation of three container and packaging companies in SET Canada, a specialized pavilion within the framework of the fair. There, Colombians were able to get to know their potential to become providers to the Canadian food and beverage industry. &quot We identified opportunities in our biodegradable product line,&quot stated Tomas Quiroz, from Grupo Phoenix.

Another of the participants was Isoplasticos, which took its line of containers, which have &quot optimal capacity, elimination of leaks, lids, transport and labeling. But the fair made us realize that we can develop new products to meet other needs. In fact, we are already developing one for the Canadian market. We want to break into this market with lockers for the food sector&quot , indicated José Gabriel González, Business Manager.

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