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Seven important international consultants have arrived to Colombia, looking for outsourcing opportunities

They will visit Medellín, Barranquilla, Cartagena and Bogotá. They will also participate in the First Latin American Outsourcing Meeting on May 26th and 27th.

In order to learn the Colombian outsourcing offer, seven renowned entrepreneurs and two specialized journalists are visiting the country in an FAM Trip through four cities.

The visit, arranged by PROCOLOMBIA, includes Bogotá , Medellí n, Barranquilla and Cartagena and will be used by the visitors as the prelude for the first Latin American Outsourcing meeting to be held on May 26 and 27 at the Centro de Convenciones del Hotel Las Amé ricas in the capital city of Bolí var.

In Bogotá , for instance, they will have the opportunity to visit the Free Trade Zone, as well as other companies devoted to service outsourcing in Medellí n they will attend a briefing about the city, from a business standpoint at the Agency for International Cooperation and will visit Universidad EAFIT to become familiar with the education system and the human resource potential in the capital city of Antioquia and in Barranquilla they will visit various BPO companies.

The international consultants visiting Colombia in a search for companies to contract BPO services include Yuxi Pacific, Kosha Group, Avasant, Zensar Technologies, KM2 Solutions, Iberia and Hindujia.

Once they visit Cartagena, they will attend the Latin American Outsourcing Meeting arranged by the National Association of Colombian Entrepreneurs (Asociació n Nacional de Empresarios Colombianos - Andi), the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and PROCOLOMBIA, in order to position the country as a world-class destination and strategic hub for service outsourcing.

The event will also serve to classify Colombia as the ideal location for investors and exporters, and shall constitute an academic encounter with various conferences by national and foreign expert lecturers.

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