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PROCOLOMBIA presented its market study for the film industry

Opportunities, figures, and the latest trends in the film industry. This is what Colombian producers will find in this free market study, presented by Proexport Colombia within the framework of the second edition of the Bogotá Audiovisual Market 2011 (BAM).

The report was publicly disclosed during BAM 2011, with the participation of 54 international movie producers to study 127 Colombian projects and take them to the big screen.  

Opportunities, figures, and the latest trends in the film industry. This is what Colombian producers will find in this free market study, presented by PROCOLOMBIA within the framework of the second edition of the Bogot&aacute Audiovisual Market 2011 (BAM). 

Through this study, producers will be able to identify new export opportunities, make better decisions for their international business ventures and reduce market research costs for their companies.

&quot This is very important news for those of us who want our projects to become part of the country's export offering. Of course, with more and better tools, we will be empowered to make better decisions&quot , said Diego Ram&iacute rez, producer of 64-A Films. 

&quot Anything that helps promote the industry is key. What we need in Colombia is more education, to have more trained personnel and make productions at the level of other markets'&quot , added Felipe Morell, President of Digitz Film.  

54 Directors, producers, sales agents for television channels and film promotion agencies from the United States, Spain and the United Kingdom were present at BAM, which was organized by the Bogot&aacute Chamber of Commerce and Proim&aacute genes they came to Colombia to see 127 Colombian projects to co-fund them and take them to their local movie screens.    

&quot We recently launched Citymundo, a television channel specializing in Latin American films. That is why we are here, watching new projects to see what movies we can use on our channel&quot , said Ernesto Mu&ntilde oz, Acquisitions Director at Moviecity.  

&quot I think you are sitting on a gold mine in every way, considering the talent of your filmmakers and the beauty of your locations. I'd love to come film here one day. I think you can take far more advantage of the film industry here,&quot added Mineko Mori, President of Mori Company. 

On the other hand, Doris Mart&iacute nez, Producer and Assistant Manager of Metro Studio, said the market study will be essential to submit successful future projects. &quot It is essential to know the results to be able to put together an export plan for the next two years. What I learned was that for the audiovisual industry to grow it is necessary to find large markets, and not to generate a local one, since it has certain limitations. The key is to discover which markets are the most convenient ones.&quot  

This is the second study presented by PROCOLOMBIA in the past month. The first one was disclosed during Campus Party 2011, which was targeted at videogame developers.

Both market studies can be downloaded for free at



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