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PROCOLOMBIA met foreign investors based in Medellin

The entity presented the strategy designed to attract direct foreign investments into the country and the sectors that offer more opportunities to the region.

A discussion board with over 35 foreign investors based in Medellin was led by PROCOLOMBIA director’s team within the strategy of setting up meetings with entrepreneurs in the regions of Colombia.

Representatives of multinational companies of sectors such as outsourcing, BPO, information technology and communications, agro-industry, timber, metal-mechanics, manufacturing, tourism and hotels, took part of an open dialogue with PROCOLOMBIA Vice-presidencies and directors of the Agency of Cooperation and Investment of Medellin (ACI).

“This meeting was organized together with the ACI. We are working alongside with the regions in order to get feedback and know what their needs are so they export more from Colombia, re-invest in our country, and see us as strategic partners”, said Juan Carlos González, PROCOLOMBIA Direct Foreign Investment Vice-president.

Antioquia and Medellin have great foreign investment opportunities in several businesses, including service provision, outsourcing, textiles, cosmetics, health services, energy, among others.

“This is a quite positive meeting. The most important thing is to stay tuned with PROCOLOMBIA so we can speak out our concerns and address ways to improve, as we promote the service industry”, pointed out Federico Jaramillo, Vice-president for Latin America and United States of Allus Global BPO.

Similarly, the regional manager of Hewlett Packard in Medellin, Juan Manuel Quintero, stated that after almost one year of having established the Global Service Center in the capital of Antioquia, they had received permanent support of PROCOLOMBIA, ACI and local entities, and also of the EAFIT University.

“We have counted on the permanent support of all the entities and feel very pleased because this lays the grounds for the arrival and establishment of a company as Hewlett Packard. These meetings are very positive to promote investment in Medellin and we had the chance to know more about what PROCOLOMBIA and the ACI do for us”, said Quintero.

The meeting with investors based in Medellin was led by PROCOLOMBIA Direct Foreign Investment Vice-president, Juan Carlos González, and the ACI Director, Luz Mónica Pérez Ayala, who were accompanied by PROCOLOMBIA Exports and Tourism Vice-presidents, Ricardo Vallejo and Zully Salazar, respectively.

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