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PROCOLOMBIA Events Agenda from November 28th to December 2nd, 2011

From the week of November 28th to December 2nd, 2011, Proexport Colombia will participate in the following national and international events.

Lista de eventos:

A group of over 150 entrepreneurs from the United States will visit Colombia

1. This coming December 1 and 2, a group of over 150 entrepreneurs from the United States and Puerto Rico will be visiting the country, coming from the sectors of garments, agribusiness and manufacturing, to know the Colombian export offering.

The entrepreneurs, who were invited by PROCOLOMBIA, will visit 76 companies in 11 different provincial departments in the country. Moreover, during the same trip, 37 vacation and corporate tourism wholesalers will visit to learn about interesting tourism packages for travelers from the United States and Puerto Rico, to destinations like Bogota, Cartagena, the Coffee Triangle, Medelllin and Santa Marta.

22 Korean investors arrive in Bogota to get a first hand look at investment opportunities

2. On Monday, November 28th, a total of 22 entrepreneurs visiting from Korea will participate in the event, which was organized by KOIMA (Korea Importers Association), KCCI, the Colombian-Korean Chamber and the Korean Embassy in Colombia, with the support of PROCOLOMBIA, aiming to display investment opportunities in the country.

Attending the event will be representatives from the sectors of Oil Services and Assets, Telecommunications, Software and IT Services, Cosmetics and Automotive, as well as representatives from Korean companies established in the country.

During the event, PROCOLOMBIA will conduct a presentation on the promotion of new value sectors and high innovation for our industry, featuring the participation of the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy of Korea, as well as the Ministries of Transportation and Mining from Colombia, and the presence of Colombian and Korean government officials, as well as the President of KOIMA, Ju-Tae Lee.

Electrical Sector International Fair - FISE in Medellin

3. PROCOLOMBIA will bring close to 55 international buyers from the goods and services sector from Chile, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and the United States to FISE, the Electrical Sector International Fair, taking place from November 30th to November 2nd at the Plaza Mayor in Medellí n

FISE is a specialized event that takes place every other year in Medellin, as an initiative by the Medellin City Hall, the Medellin Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia, the Electrical Sector Research and Technological Development Center - CIDET, the Electrical Energy Cluster, seeking to contribute to the development of the region and the country, as well as the international promotion of the Colombian export offering in goods and services in connection with the electrical sector.

Over 170 exhibitors are expected, and close to 7,500 professional visitors who will meet to see the various offers and close business deals aiming to increase their sales and their national and international market share.

Companies providing goods and services, such as raw material suppliers, products, materials, equipment, investments, Engineering firms, Consulting companies, universities and Research and Development Centers.

Link to FISE

The Colombian corporate tourism offering will be on display at EIBTM 2011 in Barcelona.

4. A total of 17 entrepreneurs, including reception operators, bureaus, and hotels invited by PROCOLOMBIA, will attend EIBTM (The Global Meetings and Event Exhibition), one of the most important fairs in the world in the field of corporate tourism (congresses, conventions, and incentive travel), taking place on November 29th on Gran Via 2, in Barcelona, Spain.

Colombia's participation at this fair has allowed the promotion of tourism in meetings with the main specialized buyers in the world in this sector.

PROCOLOMBIA will have an exhibition stand to display Colombia's capacity as a world class destination, as well as business opportunities for Colombians. Samplings will also be given, such as " Club Colombia" Premium Beer, Colombian coffee and typical local folk from the various Colombian cities will conduct destination promotion activities and the green strategy.

Link to the Fair EIBTM 2011

Corporate tourism workshops in Valencia, Venezuela

5. On November 29th, PROCOLOMBIA, in joint effort with Avianca, Viajes Boulton, Viajes Molina, Viajes Quo Vadis, Turismo Maso and Italviajes, will conduct a corporate tourism workshop in Valencia, Venezuela, with the purpose displaying Bogota as a MICE destination, thanks to its broad services offering.

Around 30 corporate accounts are expected to visit (transnationals established in Venezuela and large Venezuelan companies), as a replica of the event held in Caracas last February..

Training on Colombia for travel agents in Puerto Rico

6. As part of the strategy for the diversification and promotion of Colombian tourist destinations, PROCOLOMBIA invited 80 travel agents from Puerto Rico with the purpose of introducing the country as a world class tourist destination. The event will take place this coming November 30th at Antonio's Restaurant in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The activity will be supported by A& A Tours, and its intent is to work on the promotion of new destinations such as the Coffee Triangle and Cali, as well as to continue efforts to promote other places like Bogota, Cartagena, and Medellin, which are already very well positioned on the island.

This activity is part of the action plan between PROCOLOMBIA and A& A Tours, the largest wholesale tourism operator in Puerto Rico, and seeks to include Colombia in the tourism package portfolio of travel agencies.

Journalists travel to see the Christmas Lighting

7. From December 2 to 5, PROCOLOMBIA, supported by America Airlines, will bring media representatives from The Trinidad Guardian, El Vocero and the Daily Herald, aiming to display the main attractions of the city of Medellin, where nightly activities will be scheduled to show the city during Christmas time, especially its lighting.

Golf tournament in Punta Cana - " Play and Discover Colombia"

8. On December 3rd, Avianca and PROCOLOMBIA will host the Golf tournament entitled " Juegue y Descubra Colombia" (Play and Discover Colombia), with the intent of promoting Colombia as a Golf tourism destination, at Dientes de Perro, Casa de Campo, La Romana in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Over 88 guests are expected at the session, which will kick off with a breakfast at Restaurante Lago Grill. Later, the game will take place, including three categories (A, B and C), awarding tickets to Colombia for the best three scores.

Colombia at the Leadership Summit 2011 in Panama

9. From December 1st to the 4th, PROCOLOMBIA will participate at the annual event organized by the Leadership Summit 2011, one of the most important in the MICE industry, providing the opportunity to network and schedule one-on-one appointments with each of the attendees at the event, taking place in Playa Bonita, Panama.

The main intent will be to show Colombia as a Corporate Tourism destination country and, in turn, to educate and inspire potential clients to hold events and incentive trips in the country.

Investment opportunities in Duty Free Zones in Argentina

10. Around 60 Argentinian entrepreneurs will attend the seminar on Duty Free Zones on November 29th, arranged by PROCOLOMBIA in conjunction with Polo It Buenos Aires, taking place at the Hotel Emperador in the Argentinian capital city.

The seminar will gather the most important duty free zones in Colombia, hoping to close business deals with foreign investors who wish to establish themselves in our country, and will present the benefits granted to duty free zones in the country.

Among the Argentinian companies established in Colombia is the presence of Aerolí neas Argentinas in the transportation sector Bumeran in BPO Corporació n Impsa in electrical equipment Rosen in furniture Tenaris and Grupo Technit in Steel, and Fractar in Mining.

Lateinamerika Konferenz 2011

11. PROCOLOMBIA will have an institutional presence in Berlí n through an Investment Stand at the Lateinamerika Konferenz 2011, an event organized by the Confederation of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and by the group Lateinamerika Initiative, where over 300 German entrepreneurs and politicians are expected. The aim there is to promote the alternatives and benefits of investing in Colombia.

" Sustainable Tourism in Practice in Colombia" Conference

12. On December first, in Berlí n, PROCOLOMBIA will hold a conference on " Sustainable Tourism in Practice in Colombia," within the framework of the seminar " Environment and Tourism - the path toward sustainable tourism in Latin America."

The event is organized by the Lateinamerika Forum Berlin e.V. In addition, there will be presentations by the Colombian Ambassador to Germany, Juan Mayr Dieter Bö ning, Director of LFB e.V. and Ludwig Ellemberg, professor of the Berlin Technological University.

Presentation of corporate destinations in Ecuador

13. This coming November 30th, PROCOLOMBIA, together with Avianca and the wholesaler Salmor Metropromociones, will conduct a corporate presentation of the destinations Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Cartagena and Santa Marta in Quito, aiming to position Colombia among the main country corporate accounts and as a destination for their incentive trips and conventions.

The event expects to host close to 80 corporate accounts, there will be exhibition stands for each of the destinations and a corporate presentation will be given by each city, individually, to provide details on the existing offering in each. The entrepreneurs will walk around the exhibition stands and then will be given a sample presentation of Colombian culture.

Place: Restaurante Barlovento, Quito Ecuador

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