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PROCOLOMBIA Events Agenda from June 13th to the 19th 2011

From the week of the 13th to the 19th of June, 2011, Proexport Colombia will participate in the following national and international events.

Events list:

Colombia will receive the best exhibition stand award at Fitur 2011 this Monday

1. This coming Monday June 13th, the International Tourism Fair (Fitur) will award Colombia for the best exhibition during its participation at the latest edition of the event, which took place in Madrid.

In the 'countries&rsquo category, the acknowledgement was awarded for the strength and creativity of its presentation, which conveyed the message of living the nature tourism experience and includes an original artistic expression that captivated the attention of all visitors.

Orlando Sardi de Lima, Ambassador to Colombia in Spain, and the director of the PROCOLOMBIA sales office in Spain, Juan Gabriel Pé rez, will have the honor of receiving the award.  The ceremony will take place at room S-100 at Ifema, at 11:30 in the morning. 

Seminar on Nature Tourism Awareness in Leticia

2. This coming Tuesday, June 14th, between 2:00 and 6:00 pm, at the Decameron Leticia Hotel, the Nature Tourism Awareness Seminar will take place, displaying the latest trends in the segment in Colombia and the criteria for its development at both national and international levels.

Entrepreneurs, tour and hotel operators, guilds and sector authorities from the region will attend.

This activity is organized by PROCOLOMBIA, through the Vice Presidency of Tourism and Zeiky, together with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, and the Vice Ministry of Tourism and the Productive Transformation Sector Incubation Department.

Entrepreneurs residing in Leticia and Puerto Nariñ o, who are interested in attending the Seminar, may enroll for free at our contact center 419-9450 or the national line (01900) 3310021. Email:

Hotel Decameron (Cra. 11 # 6 &ndash 110)
2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Web Page:

Know the modifications made to the International Exchange Regime, Bogotá

3. Between 7:00 am and 10:00 am this coming 16th of June at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Bogotá , PROCOLOMBIA and the Legal and Climate Management Office, along with the Investment Vice Presidency and Brigard & Urrutia and the Superintendence of Private Partnerships, will hold a series of conferences to show the modifications recently made to the international exchange regime.

Registrations will be open to potential or established investors, exporters and any others interested in knowing the implications of the amended exchange regime. Anyone interested in pre-registering can call Natalie Millan at 560-0100, extension 2024, or at the event venue no later than one half hour prior to the event.

Suites Hotel, Bogotá (Calle 70, No. 6-22)

New flight Orlando &ndash Bogotá by Avianca-TACA

4. This coming 15th of June at 4:00 pm, at the Hyatt Airport Hotel in Orlando, PROCOLOMBIA will participate in the Orlando-Bogota Avianca-TACA flight workshop.

The airline invited the travel agencies from the region and other operators from the United States. PROCOLOMBIA will provide an information desk to promote Colombia and Bogotá as a tourist destination.

Hospital executives from the United States will get to know the health services offering

5. Executives from Planet Hospital, American Apparel, Mexical Healthcare, Meridian Healthcare Option and Fonemed will be in Colombia from the 12th to the 17th of June to get to know the health tourism offering in the country. The fam trip will also bring a journalist from CBS and a CNN cameraman.

During the trip, the executives will visit hospitals and clinics in Bogotá , Medellí n, Bucaramanga and Cartagena, where the technological advancements and international accreditations held by several health centers will be displayed. The trip will strengthen Colombia&rsquo s position in the health services industry, promote the country&rsquo s offering and create ties between the national health centers and the major companies in the self-insurance market in the United States.

Colombia will be present at SATA in Dallas and Houston, Texas

As part of PROCOLOMBIA&rsquo s activities to promote Colombia as a tourism destination, the entity will participate at " SATA 2011 Trade Show, Presentation and Dinner evenings&rdquo in Dallas (Texas) on June 15th and Houston on June 16th.

SATA, South and Central American Travel Association, is a non-for-profit association created exclusively for the travel sector in the United States, providing information on tourism to South and Central America.

Event link:

Seminar in Switzerland to promote Private Capital Funds investments in Colombia

7. The coming 16th of June at 4:00 pm at the Partners Group Headquarters in Zug, Switzerland, PROCOLOMBIA and its sales office in London, will conduct a seminar to promote Private Funds Investments in Colombia.

The event will take place at the Partners Group association, the largest private capital investment fund in Europe. Specialized firms from several sectors in Switzerland are among the attendees at the seminar.

XV Business Future of the Americas & AACCLA Conference in Cartagena

8. The Cartagena Hilton Hotel Convention Center will host the Business Future of the Americas Conference from June 12th to the 15th, an event organized jointly with the Mid-Year Meeting of the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America, AACCL, PROCOLOMBIA in alliance with Avianca, Coca-Cola, Delima Marsh, FedEx, Colgate-Palmolive, Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena, Vimarco, HC Human Capital, Frisby, Exxon Mobil, Rafael Nuñ ez International Airport and Seguros Bolí var.

Event link:

Journalists from nine countries will get to know Cartagena as a corporate destination

9. Journalists from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Argentina, Panama, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico and Peru will visit Cartagena as part of a fam trip intended to showcase the capital city of Bolivar as a destination to hold events and conventions.

The event, which is organized by PROCOLOMBIA and the Corporate Tourism Management Office, with support from the entity's sales offices abroad, is intended to show communicators the advantages of Cartagena as a destination for world-class events, to meet suppliers, organizers and all other players in the sector.

Journalists from CONDE NAST TRAVELLER in Cartagena, Bogotá and Santa Marta

10. PROCOLOMBIA Colombia invited two journalists from Conde Nast Traveller Magazine from Spain for them to show their readers the tourism offering in Cartagena, Santa Marta and Bogota.

The journalists will be in the country between June 14th and 17th. 

Chilean opinion leaders will be in Cartagena

11. Eleven opinion leaders from Chile and the Avianca Manager from that country will be in Cartagena between June 17th and 21st as part of the Colombia product communication and diversification strategy in that country.

The Chilean opinion leaders were invited by PROCOLOMBIA to visit our country and strengthen relations and increase air connectivity between Chile and Colombia.

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