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It’s time for Colombiatex 2012, an important showcase to be used by FTA's.

International buyers from over 15 countries, invited by Proexport Colombia, will attend Colombiatex 2012, organized by Inexmoda, which will focus on presenting the export supply to countries with current trade agreements

In order to exploit the opportunities offered by FTAs, PROCOLOMBIA will invite international buyers from the United States, Canada, Switzerland and 13 additional countries to generate business opportunities for Colombiatex of the Americas 2012.

Each year, at Plaza Mayor in Medellin from January 24 to 26, representative chemical, fiber, yarn, weaving, textile and apparel machinery and input companies, as well as textile traders and finishing companies, meet in this business showcase, the first event of the year for the sector.

&quot With the buyers PROCOLOMBIA brings, exporters may take advantage of the benefits of FTAs in force with Canada, Switzerland and Mexico, and establish contacts for the U.S. market.&quot said the president of PROCOLOMBIA, Mar&iacute a Claudia Lacouture.

On the other hand, Carlos Alberto Botero, chief executive of Inexmoda, commented that version number 24 of the exhibit would have the &quot Fashion System as main topic, proposing an analysis of the importance of each of the stakeholders to build a country strength together&quot , adding that &quot it will bring a series of innovations that will seek to meet the needs of the sector and make the exhibit much more conducive to business.&quot

During the fair, organized by the Institute for Export and Fashion (Inexmoda) PROCOLOMBIA will hold a business meeting between Colombian exporters and over 400 international buyers, which will be able to directly visit the stands of the exhibitors with previous appointments.

There will also be ten journalists invited by PROCOLOMBIA from the specialized media from countries like Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, France, Spain, Peru and the United States, who will get to know the potential of the Colombian textile industry and present what Colombiatex 2012 has to offer.

Although the event will focus more heavily on the United States, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, CAN and Mercosur, international buyers are expected from other countries focused on the search of supplies and clothing accessories and also on a complete package, i.e. products manufactured with Colombian materials according to customer specifications for further sale in overseas markets.

Likewise, opportunities have been identified in countries like Peru, Italy, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Guatemala, Brazil,  Spain, Germany, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia and Thailand, positioning Colombia in a privileged place thanks to the quality of Colombian materials.

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