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International Expert in Adventure Tourism Visits Santander

Rebeca Yanez, Director of the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) in Latin America, will advise Santander's entrepreneurs to which global trends they need to tailor their products in order to make them more attractive to foreign tourists.

The Latin American representative for the ATTA, one of the most important adventure tourism organizations in the world, will scope out the main attractions Santander has to offer in this sector. She will also train at least twenty entrepreneurs in the region.

At the invitation of PROCOLOMBIA and the Colombian Federation of Ecoparks, Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism (FEDEC in its Spanish acronym), Rebeca Yanez, Regional Director of ATTA, will visit the city of San Gil, in the department of Santander, between May 7 and 8.

The expert, from Mexico, will devote her first day to enjoying the unique experiences this western Colombian region has to offer for adrenaline junkies, to put her stamp of approval on what PROCOLOMBIA is promoting in markets such as Germany, Aruba, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.

Santander&#39 s geography facilitates the most appetizing scenarios for extreme sport enthusiasts, from gliding across the Chicamocha Canyon on a 450 meter long zip line, to descending between rocks that cross waterfalls over than 70 meters high.

Rapids, such as those of the Fonce or Suarez rivers, also drive international travelers crazy. Every year, approximately 25,000 international travelers visit the region. Because of the different difficulty levels found in these waterways, the region is very popular among those who raft and kayak.

On Yanez&#39 s second day in the region, she will hold a seminar for around 30 entrepreneurs, including tour operators and hotel owners interested in learning how to sell their tour packages abroad, and how to align these with global consumer trends.

Santander is the second department in the country to have been visited by the Latin America Director of this organization, which has a presence in 34 countries. 

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