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International buyers contributed to the environment during Colombiamoda

A tree will be planted on behalf of each one to create environmental awareness and reduce the carbon footprint generated by Proexport Colombia's participation at the fair.

International buyers contributed to the environment during Colombiamoda

A tree will be planted on behalf of each one to create environmental awareness and reduce the carbon footprint generated by PROCOLOMBIA's participation at the fair.

Fashion can also contribute towards caring for the environment.

Hence, for every international buyer PROCOLOMBIA invited to the trade show, a tree will be planted in the country on their behalf in order to contribute towards offsetting the carbon footprint generated through the entity's activities during the event.

This is the way in which PROCOLOMBIA, through its " Colombia is Committed to the Planet" strategy, contributed towards the Colombiamoda concept in 2011, " Conciencia Moda" (Fashion Awareness), which seeks to sensitize and promote awareness on the impact every individual can cause on the environment. 

The strategy was launched during the International Tourism Fair, Fitur 2011, where the carbon footprint caused by the country's participation during the event was erased. The same was done at ITB in Germany, at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Colombiatex, the International Book Fair and Colombia Travel Mart in Bogota. 

On this occasion, the trees will be planted in areas destined for the protection of basins and/or the recovery of lands by the indigenous communities in the region, and the trees will be acquired at the neighboring towns in order to create jobs and reactivate the local economy.

Furthermore, an awareness talk was given on the " Challenges in the textiles sector regarding sustainability and environmental responsibility."

Colombiamoda is the most important fair in the country in this sector, organized by Inexmoda, the Institute for Exports and Fashion, where PROCOLOMBIA invited 684 international buyers from 29 countries who conducted business with 450 exporters.

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