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IDB, PROCOLOMBIA and the Brazilian Embassy invite you to the presentation of the Brazil-Colombia Investment Forum

The Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), the Brazilian Embassy in Colombia and Proexport Colombia are inviting all national and international media to the presentation of the First Forum for Investment between Colombia and Brazil, to be held in Bogotá this coming August 4th

The Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), the Brazilian Embassy in Colombia and PROCOLOMBIA are inviting all national and international media to the presentation of the First Forum for Investment between Colombia and Brazil, to be held in Bogot&aacute this coming August 4th.

The presentation will take place this Wednesday the 27th of July, 2011, at the Multiple Room of the IDB Representation Offices in Colombia (Cra.   7 No. 71-21, Tower B, 19th Floor), starting at 11:00, led by the IDB Representative in Colombia, Javier Le&oacute n the Brazilian Ambassador to Brazil, Antonino Mena Goncalves, and the President of PROCOLOMBIA, Mar&iacute a Claudia Lacouture. 

The press will have first-hand information on the members of the Forum, the economic sectors and the official agenda of the meeting, which is already setting up to be the most important corporate event held until now by both countries. 

The Forum will be officially opened this 4rh of August by Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, former President Luiz In&aacute cio Lula da Silva, and the President of IDB Luis Alberto Moreno. 

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