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Humpback whale watching in Colombia, also on ITB 2011

The South American country is one of the few where one of the most exciting spectacles in marine fauna can be appreciated. European tour operators can enable you to see, from a very close distance, 18-meter whales in their natural habitat.

Between August and October every year, humpback whales or " yubartas" visit the Colombian Pacific Ocean, giving a natural spectacle that attracts ecotourism lovers from around the world. These 18-meter long cetaceans come to the coasts to mate and give birth to their offspring. They fascinate visitors with their high jumps, the flapping of their fins and their enormous tail, and their mating calls.

Colombia is one of the five countries in the world (United States, Ecuador, Brazil and Australia) where these marvelous creatures can be seen, and the visitors to ITB 2011 will prove that the country can offer them the best weather season for this wonderful spectacle, and a wide variety of hotels where you can fly in on charter flights from Bogotá and Medellí n.

Nowadays European travel operators are offering the Colombian natural tourism product in their catalog, which of course includes whale watching. In Spain: Discover Travel, Taranna Group and Ethnical Design Tours United Kingdom: Avian Adventures, Journey Latin America, and Latin DMC and in Germany, Gateway-Brazil and Geoplan.

Bahí a Solano, Nuquí , the Gorgona Natural National Park and Bahia Má laga on the Colombian Pacific coast are the places providing the main alternatives for travelers who are enticed by this unforgettable spectacle.. 

These gigantic creatures travel to the Colombian coast attracted by its temperature. The waters are warm, allowing them to escape from the cold in the southern and northern hemispheres.

Whale watching is a safe activity, as long as you keep a prudent distance from these animals.  Colombia's efforts in promoting whale watching are in fact a fervent statement in favor of their preservation.

This year, PROCOLOMBIA, the Tourism, Investment and Exportation Promotion Office in Colombia, will be participating at ITB with 25 representatives including regional institutions, tour and hotel operators, intending to position Colombia in Germany and around the world, and also to support these entrepreneurs in generating more business and strengthening alliances with their partners.

ITB is one of the most important international holiday tourism trade shows in the world, bringing together 180 thousand visitors from 180 countries each year.

Other destinations that will be promoted at ITB 2011, to take place in Berlin, Germany, between the 9th and 13th of March, will be Amazonas, San Andres y Providencia, and Santa Marta, through the product Naturaleza, Sol y Playa (Nature, Sun and Beaches) Barranquilla, Bogotá , Boyacá and Cartagena de Indias, through products like Historia y Cultura (History and Culture) Cali and Medellin, through Cultura y Compras (Culture and Shopping) and the Coffee Growing Region and Santander, through products like Historia y Cultura revolving around coffee, and religious and adventure tourism.

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