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FTA with the United States will open new opportunities to increase corporate tourism

Proexport Colombia guests Matthew Thomas from the United States, and Sarah Nault from Canada, traveled to Medellín and Bogotá to discover the main tourist attractions and non-traditional venues.

The Free Trade Agreement with the United States will create opportunities to increase corporate tourism from that country, said Matthew Thomas, a journalist from Black Meetings &amp Tourism, who, together with Canadian Sarah Nault, visited Medell&iacute n and Bogot&aacute to know the two cities&#39 offering in that field. 

Thomas, who leads one of the most read specialized publications in MICE topics - meetings, incentive travel, conventions and events, from its acronym in English - very popular in the African-American community, pointed out that the population segment represents an enormous potential market in the United States for any country interested in promoting the also called &#39 corporate tourism.&#39

&quot The buying power of the African-American community in the United States is extremely high, compared to the rest of the population, and is open to finding new places in the world to visit and hold events,&quot said the journalist.

He added that the FTA will create opportunities in both directions, and will allow Colombia to show it has the infrastructure, the magic and unsurpassable warmth of its people to impress international tourists. &quot The African American community is not prejudiced, and they love to discover new destinations where they can find history and culture, thus they will be a key group for Colombia to make the most of the Free Trade Agreement,&quot said Thomas. 

The journalists visited the country by invitation from PROCOLOMBIA as part of the country promotion activity as an international, world-class tourist destination. 

On the other hand, Sarah Nault, a journalist from Tourisme Plus, stated being surprised by the enormous difference she found between the Colombia she visited, and the one she saw in film and media.

&quot I feel safe here. Colombia is very different from what I thought it would be. My family and friends didn&#39 t want me to come, but now I&#39 ve already began to tell them about everything they are missing,&quot said Nault.

In Medell&iacute n, the journalists went on the Metro Cable, visited Biblioteca Espa&ntilde a Park, Arv&iacute Park, Pueblito Paisa, Explora Park, the Botanical Garden, and they viewed the city&#39 s hotel offering and Plaza Mayor. 

As for Bogot&aacute , they walked around La Candelaria, Monserrate, the Gold Museum, the Salt Cathedral and some of the most outstanding hotels and events venues.

Colombia has gone up in the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) ranking, moving from place number 50 in 2006 to 34 in 2010.   Last year, 89,500 travelers came to the country for a variety of events.  

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