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The French Multinational Capgemini will Open a Branch Office in Colombia

The IT service company highlighted the growth of Colombian economy in the past years, and the high percentage of qualified labor offered by the sector as the conclusive factors for its decision to open its branch in the country.

The multinational company, Capgemini, considered one of the largest IT companies worldwide, with presence in over 40 countries and more than 50 years of experience, will open in Bogotá a branch office to offer its service portfolio to local clients, and later on to other Latin American clients, using Colombia as its base of operations in the region.

&quot Colombia is a key country in our strategy to expand in the region it is continuously growing and offers skilled labor at very competitive costs. This is why we decided to open a branch here&quot , Peter Kroll, Senior Vice president Capgemini Latinoamérica Norte. 

Capgemini, which arrived to the country with the support of PROCOLOMBIA, will generate nearly 400 jobs in the following 2 years. &quot We will look for Systems Engineer profiles from Colombian universities, and we will train them to provide Capgemini services to both, national and regional clients&quot , explained.

The announcement was made during the ANDI 2012 Outsourcing Services Summit, where Kroll highlighted Colombia&#39 s potential as exporting platform to countries covered under the FTA, which represent an opportunity to gain access to new markets, like the United States.

Capgemini has a plant of 108.00 employees worldwide, and already owns affiliates in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala and Chile. Its specialty is the maintenance of infrastructure and process applications, as well as the implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) and ETP technology systems, among others.

PROCOLOMBIA, the entity responsible for attracting direct foreign investment to Colombia, offers services to investors interested in the country, such as customized information, contacts with the public and private sector, organization and accompaniment while visiting the Country, and attention to the installed investor.

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