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Exporters learned about their opportunities in the Canadian market

About 600 entrepreneurs in nine cities participated in a seminar with experts on the subject, such as the Project Manager for TFO Canada, and had the opportunity to learn about successful experiences of Colombians in that country.

In order to exploit the opportunities offered by the Free Trade Agreement with Canada, in force since August 15, nearly 600 entrepreneurs learned more about the Canadian market at a seminar organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

The event was held in Bogotá , with simultaneous transmission in eight cities. The ' Seminar on Colombia - Canada FTA Opportunities' covered everything from the technical benefits of the Agreement, the services offered by PROCOLOMBIA in providing information and support to take advantage of the negotiation, as well as key facts Colombian exporters should know about the Canadian market and consumer. 

This last point was entrusted to Lidia Karamaoun, from the non-profit organization Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFO). " The Canadian market offers a range of interesting opportunities. Entrepreneurs should take their time to do some research, because it is quite developed and offers opportunities in several niches," he said during his presentation. 

Moreover, she also explained that the Canadian consumer tends to buy products that are healthy and natural. " The products should also be friendly to the environment. Hence, there are several opportunities for these sectors, for organic products with fair trade and social purposes. It' s almost a philosophy more than a trend."  

Equipment, pharmaceuticals, furniture, paper, cardboard, cosmetics and food, are some of the opportunities Colombian exporters who are interested in exporting to Canada have.

Success cases:

The meeting also served to present the success stories of Colombian exporters in that market. Base Cook, a sauce and dressing company that manufactures its products from Colombian fruit like the uchuva (cape gooseberry) and maracuya (passion fruit), was one of them. " You have to come up with a novel proposal to label, package and something that catches the consumer' s attention," said the company manager, Marco Aurelio Mejí a. " The products must also be low in fat and calories, and should tell a story. Canadians want to know where what they are buying is coming from," he added.

On his part, Juan Carlos Lopez de Fruandes, said that " you don' t have to be a large company to reach that market. However, you do have to have a lot of experience and to be in constant communication with customers."  

The seminar served as a preamble to the Business Matchmaking Forum PROCOLOMBIA will hold in Toronto (Canada) on October 27 and 28, which is part of the Support Plan to exporters affected by the ATPDEA, the heavy rainfall season and the revaluation.

More information about the opportunities created by the FTA with Canada

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