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Events Agenda from October 17th to 23rd, 2011

From the week of October 17th to the 23rd 2011, Proexport Colombia will participate in the following national and international events.

Events Agenda:

1. Business Matchmaking Forum for Autoparts at Eje Exporta 2011

1. As part of the market diversification strategy, PROCOLOMBIA and Acopi organized the Business Matchmaking Forum specializing in Autoparts at the Tequendama Hotel in Bogota. A total of 26 buyers will be present, visiting from Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica, United States, Panama, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Jamaica, Barbados and Curacao with 1,670 autoparts and motorcycle part companies in the country. The event will take place on October 19 and 20, 2011.

Similarly, the opportunity will be taken to visit plants and create contacts with companies in the region. For opening day, the event will feature the presence of ACOLFA (Colombian Association of Auto Parts Manufacturers) and the manager of PTP (Productive Transformation Program) Autoparts and Vehicles.

2. Colombia - Switzerland FTA Seminar: new opportunities in perspective in Medellin, Cali and Barranquilla

2. This coming October 19 the seminar " Colombia-Switzerland: new opportunities in perspective" will take place at the Medellin Royal Hotel between 8:00 and 12:00 m, with live transmission for Cali (Hotel Intercontinental) and Barranquilla (Hotel Dann Carlton). The event is organized by PROCOLOMBIA, the Embassy of Switzerland in Colombia, the Colombian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and OSEC (Business Network Switzerland) in order to communicate the benefits of the FTA, as well as to inform Colombian entrepreneurs the way to do business with Switzerland and the trade opportunities available for exporters of goods and services.

Venue: Medellin Royal Hotel

Live transmission sites: Hotel Intercontinental Cali, Hotel Dann Carlton Barranquilla

3. Colombia Investment Week in Spain

3. One hundred entrepreneurs from Madrid, 60 entrepreneurs from Valencia and 60 entrepreneurs from Barcelona entrepreneurs will participate in the Investment Week from the regions of Colombia in Spain from October 17 to 21, organized by PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

Among the partners for the realization of this great event are, from Spain: CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations), CIERVAL (Confederation of Employers of the Community of Valencia), Labour Development, Port of Barcelona, and for Colombia: Pro-Barranquilla, ACI, Invest in Pacific, Invest in Pereira, and Invest in Bogota.

4. Training on Colombia and Avianca in the northern part of the Dominican Republic

4. With the aim to promote Colombia as a tourist destination in the northern Dominican Republic, on October 21 in Santiago, Dominican Republic, PROCOLOMBIA and Avianca will hold the BBQ cooking workshop to teach how to promote the country in a playful and fun way, where 50 people are expected to visit from travel agencies in the region.

5. SOFTIC 2011 - Commercial encounter of the Software & IT sector, supported by PROCOLOMBIA

5. PROCOLOMBIA supported the summons for international buyers to attend the eighth version of SOFTIC this coming October 20 and 21, the most important trade meeting of the Software & IT sector, organized by Fedesoft and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá , where they meetings will be held between international buyers and entrepreneurs from the sector, at the headquarters of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.

These strategies will be developed under the Productive Transformation Program of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.


6. Colombia will be present at the Fair of the Americas - ABAV in Brazil

6. Colombia will participate with a group of 10 companies and three institutional entities in the 39th edition of the Fair of the Americas - ABAV, the most important and comprehensive tourism fair in Brazil, which encompasses the entire tourism value chain, with the presence of airlines, hotel chains, travel agencies, cruise operators, tour operators, destinations, tourism sector specialized media, among others.

The country will present its tourism offering in Brazil to increase the flow of tourists to the various domestic destinations. 800 exhibitors are expected, 24,000 visitors from 40 countries in 35,000 square meters of area, from October 19 to 21 at Riocentro Exhibition & Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Colombia' s participation in this event was supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and the Tourism Promotion Fund of Colombia.

The Fair of the Americas - ABAV - in Brazil

7. Colombia Exhibition Hall at Expo Cihac 2011 in Mexico

7. PROCOLOMBIA will participate for the third time in Expo Cihac 2011, the most important construction fair in Latin America, with a country exhibition hall divided into two islands and 16 stands, from October 18 to 22 at Centro Banamex in Mexico City.

The event is expected to host 250 international buyers and will have the participation of 17 Colombian companies. Information will be provided at the institutional stand, and the video of the tour will be played to publicize the country' s offering.

Link to EXPO CIHAC 2011:

8. Medellí n seeks to host the 47th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (IEEE) 2013

8. The Medellin Convention & Visitors Bureau and PROCOLOMBIA will advocate for Antioquia' s capital city' s candidacy to host the 47th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (IEEE) to be held in 2013.

The event, to take place from October 18 to 21 in Barcelona, will present the arguments to convince decision makers that Medellin is the ideal place to hold the conference that convenes experts in security technologies worldwide.

We expect more than 120 people, of which 80% are international visitors.

9. Business Forum LAC-Korea in South Korea

9. In order to strengthen and expand trade links between Asia, particularly Korea, Latin America and the Caribbean, PROCOLOMBIA will participate with an exhibition stand at LAC, where where Korean entrepreneurs can learn more about the opportunities that Colombia has in matters of tourism, exports and investment.

The forum, to take place on October 20 and 21 in Seoul (South Korea), will propitiate forums for exchanging ideas and experiences in developing trade promotion activities, identifying business opportunities and trade promotion and foreign investment. The event is jointly organized by the IDB, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Korea, Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM), the Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), and the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI).

Official representatives from the National Agencies for Export and/or Investment Promotion (APCs) from LAC countries members of the Bank, diplomatic representatives and senior officials of LAC Governments and personalities from the world of business in both regions will attend. We also expect to have broad participation of entrepreneurs from LAC and Korea.

Link to the Korea-LAC Business Forum:

10. Road Show to promote tourism to Colombia in China

10. The Road Show to promote tourism in Colombia and other countries in the region will take place the week of October 24 to 28, in the three most important cities in China (Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing). The intent is to present Colombia' s multi-destination offering to the various travel agents attending, and to make a first approach for awareness with the support of PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

11. Santander Tourism Planning 2012

11. On October 26 at the Hotel Dann Carlton Bucaramanga, PROCOLOMBIA will hold the Tourism Planning event in Santander for the first time, with the participation of the various stakeholders and regional tourism authorities with the aim of creating a harmonized planning process to help Santander work with the same focus to suit the country and tourism entrepreneurs.

Participants include: entrepreneurs from the tourism sector, unions and public authorities in the region.

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