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Colombia´s Coffe area declared UNESCO World Heritage Landscape

There is a place in the world where you can wake up in the middle of coffee plantations. 24 hours to feel the aroma of the best coffee in the world, a region that blends the green of the mountains and the white of the snow: Colombia´s *Coffe area.

  *The Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia was recently declared UNESCO World Heritage Landscape for its " centennial tradition of coffee growing&rdquo producing the best coffee in the world. 

The aroma and culture of this particular region in Colombia is a popular tourist destination where it is possible to experience the coffee culture, adventure sports, ecotourism, bird watching and even theme parks. The site was officially inaugurated as part of UNESCO World Heritage Landscape on June 25th, 2011 for its " exceptional example of a sustainable and productive cultural landscape that is unique and representative of a tradition that is a strong symbol for coffee growing areas worldwide.&rdquo

According to the UNESCO World Heritage List, this is the heart of Colombia where the *Coffee Region expands to 6 farming landscapes, 18 urban centers, 47 municipalities, 4 major Colombian cities in the departments of Caldas, Risaralda, Quindí o y Valle del Cauca. A countless number of coffee farms spread throughout this region where international tourists can taste the richness of the coffee beans and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surroundings.

The Coffee Triangle is easily accessible through any airport of three main cities of the region: Armenia, Manizales and Pereira, all of which have multiple connections to Bogota. Some international airlines also offer direct flights from the U.S.A. 

In 2010, a total of 28,837 international tourists reported the Coffee Triangle as its main destiny in Colombia, according to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, based on figures from the Administrative Department of Security (DAS) and on calculations form Proexport. Additionally, 41.8 % of the passengers in the last year came from the United States, followed by Spain, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, France, Argentina, and Brazil.

The coffee farms allow tourists to enjoy the landscape. During the tours you will find an infinite mix of colors and hallways decorated with diverse flowers like heliconias, orchids and ferns. There, it is possible to learn the process of cultivation and production of the coffee with the best aroma in the world.

For a complete guide of all that the Coffee Triangle has to offer, visit Visit the Official Guide of the Coffee Triangle*

*" Unesco declares as World Heritage the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia that includes the regions of Quindio, Risaralda, Caldas and Valle del Cauca" ​

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