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Colombian Swimsuits for Sale in Colorado, Florida, Georgia, and Washington

After the FTA with the United States came into effect, 21 Colombian companies have exported their products for the first time to that market. Besides Florida, Colombian apparel is now reaching other states like Colorado, Georgia, and Washington.

Bogota, May 11th. (Pxp).  Better prices thanks to the Free Trade Agreement and value-added features like embroidery designs and quality materials have ensured Colombian swimsuits an all access pass into the USA.

This notion is seconded by 21 Colombian entrepreneurs who exported their products for their first time to that market thanks to the FTA, which on May 15th will complete its first two years of implementation.

" Competitive factors allow Colombian apparel not only to be put for sale in states like Florida and California (gathering 60% of the swimsuit industry), but also in other states like Colorado, Georgia, and Washington&rdquo , stated the President of PROCOLOMBIA, Maria Claudia Lacouture.

For example, Confecciones Rossé is a company based in Manizales that sold for the first time in San Luis Obispo (California), Atlanta (Georgia), and Denver (Colorado). " Now there is more interest and awareness about Colombia. They regard us as a close supplier with shorter delivery times and prices that compete with China&rsquo s. The FTA is helping us offer almost the same rates, but our products have value-added and quality&rdquo , explained, Rodrigo Serna Jaramillo, Confecciones Rossé Manager.

Another company that exported for the first time is Paradizia Swimwear, from Medellin. They noted that their key advantage point is design, thanks to " the assorted combination of printings, nonstandard materials like silk and hand-made embroidering&rdquo , explained, Renata Aristizabal, Business Manager of Paradizia Swimwear.

The company was founded in 2008 and currently exports towards 40 countries. " 45% is sold in the U.S., our main market. Understanding the applicable regulations is key to really leverage the FTA. It was harder to understand at first, but now we are following the rules to the letter to conduct effective exports with all the advantages of the FTA&rdquo , added the Antioquian entrepreneur.

    Exports are a reflection of disposition. According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, based on data from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), the sale and export of Colombian swimsuits to the U.S. added $8.6 million USD, 99% more than in 2012.

However, according to Trademap, USA imports reached $782 million USD, and Colombia ranked 11th as a supplier, following countries like China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka.

" There are real growth opportunities. We have realized that niches are key, for example, maternity, large sizes, or the gay community. A good example is the line of post-mastectomy swimsuit tops,&rdquo stated the President of PROCOLOMBIA Colombia.

According to the entrepreneurs, another key factor is to participate at specialized trade shows like the Swim Show in Miami. " It was there where we met different clients thanks to Proexport. The market is very interesting specially because hand-made products and the quality of Colombian products are highly regarded,&rdquo concluded Carolina Ramirez, Mar de Rosas General Manager.

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