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Colombian entrepreneurs will participate at the business matchmaking forum and fairs in Canada

Proexport Colombia has designed an integral activity plan that envisions a business matchmaking forum, commercial missions, market studies, seminars and events for the promotion of the Treaty in both countries.

At least 150 Colombian exporters will travel to Toronto this next 27th and 28th of October to participate in the first Colombia-Canada Business Matchmaking Forum, after the entry in force of the Free Trade Agreement between the two countries this 15th of August.

The Business Matchmaking Forum will be one of the activities PROCOLOMBIA has scheduled for Colombian and Canadian entrepreneurs to take advantage of the trade and investment activities the Free Trade Agreement will bring.

The plan includes trade and exploration trips, support to entrepreneurs for participation during events in Canada, training seminars for Colombian exporters and the realization of sectoral market studies, among other activities.

Trade trips

Before the end of the year, PROCOLOMBIA will accompany ten companies from the digital animation sector to observe the Canadian market in Toronto and present their service offering.

A group of 20 flower importers, who will participate in Proflora 2011, will be in Bogota from November 28th to the 30th.

Between November 30th and December 2nd, another 10 companies will be at the Construct Canada fair, the most important construction materials trade show in that country.

Agenda for 2012

Next year, PROCOLOMBIA will provide support and join the food exporters in five important fairs in Canada.

The first of them will be the British Columbia FoodService, from the 29th to the 30th of January. This is one of the largest food fairs in Canada, held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. 

The Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA), from March 4th to the 6th in Toronto, is the second fair included in the support plan. The event will host around 12 thousand visitors with whom there are business possibilities, and learn about the latest trends in the industry.

The third event will be the Bakery Show, from May 6th to the 8th in Toronto, where around five thousand companies in the mill, flour and bakery sectors.

At Apex, between April 15th and 16th, Colombians will be able to meet close to three thousand professionals and distributors from the food industry. It will take place in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Finally, Sial Canada from May 9th to the 11th in Montreal. This is one of the most important food fairs in the world, with around 12 thousand professionals from the agro-food industry and 500 exhibitors.

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