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Colombian developers in the radar of international companies

Augmented Reality Technology and mobile video games created by Colombian start-ups are succeeding among U.S. and Latin American enterprises. The country is now seen as a number-one option in the region when looking for video games designers and programmers. 

Tribungo Studio: A Success Story

After the recent 50th Business Matchmaking Forum of PROCOLOMBIA, two U.S companies will be featuring video games developed by Tribungo Studio, a Colombian company based in Cali. During the event, Bake450 from San Francisco and SnakeHead Games from Texas highlighted the creativity of the Colombian enterprise as well as the high quality of its products and great integration with platforms such as Unity3D.

Tribungo Studio will be giving graphic support to Bake450, for the mobile videogame Match3 while SnakeHead Games will be developing videogames in 2D as well as receiving art and programming services from the Colombian company.

According to Juan Diego Uran, Founder and CEO of Tribungo Studios, closing the deal was very important because 95 percent of the company&rsquo s income depends on the export of videogames, which has increased 50 percent since 2013. Uran also said that the eight years of work with local partners have prepared them to succeed in international markets such as the United States.

Tribungo Studio is ready for the next challenge: conquering Brazil and Asia&rsquo markets. They are also working on introducing a video game as successful as Candy Crush or Angry Birds, and they might be one step closer to achieving their goal with the launch of two video games for IOS and Android platforms: HectorSlug&rsquo s Adventures and The Alchemist. The first game features an alien slug that crashes, damaging the spaceship and has to ask a tow-truck for help. In the second one, the player has to collect some cards, each one with specific powers the point of the game is that the player uses the powers of the cards to become the best alchemist ever known.

The first export of Tribungo Studios happened in 2013 after participating in Colombia 3.0, an event supported by PROCOLOMBIA and the Ministry of Information, Technology and Communication. From that point on, the company developed the characters that appear in the cards of the Dark Heroes video game, created by Big Viking Games, a Canadian studio focused on developing mobile and social games.

3D experience made in Colombia, travels 6 countries

The United States, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia and Mexico are the six countries that have welcomed an international campaign to protect whales and other migrating species, supported by an augmented reality technology created by a Colombian company: Brash 3D.

With the support of PROCOLOMBIA, this company met the Fundacion Albatros Media from Panama during Mipcom 2013, the central event for the global entertainment industry gathering 1,700 exhibitor companies and 4,500 buyers from 100 countries. During the event, they tested the technology to make sure it was dynamic, simple and interactive for the audience. According to Alejandro Balaguer, director of the Fundacion Albatros Media, the technology provided by Brash 3D has helped to increase people&rsquo s interest for the topic beyond just looking at the pictures because it allows people to listen to the whale& rsquo s songs, receive information about the way they migrate and become aware of their sizes by using interactive elements on the mobile&rsquo s screens.

" Ruta de Gigantes," as the exhibition is called, is made up of 80 pictures, 20 of which use the augmented technology created by Brash 3D. The exhibition uses iPads, Smart phones and other devices to broadcast 3D information that is not written in the pictures. Ruta de Gigantes has been traveling around the six countries since January 14, 2014.

According to Jose Luis Caicedo, Projects Director of Brash 3D, after the success they had with " Ruta de Gigantes" , the company feels ready to move on to bigger markets such as the United States or Europe.


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