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Colombia Week begins in New York

Proexport Colombia organized a showcase of the textile-clothing sector, a business macro round, promotion seminars, commercial agendas, activations in supermarkets and an exploratory mission for MSMEs.

Almost 600 entrepreneurs will be the protagonists of the first large Colombian disembarkation in the United States in search of business opportunities.

The starting flag of the FTA will be shown in New York with an extraordinary showcase of the textile and clothing chain where the diversity, quality, design and beauty of the Colombian production will be shown to U. S. buyers, the media and specialized multipliers, and the casual, sports, swimsuit, undergarment and uniform clothing potential will be shown as well as the preparation and response capacity of a diversified, competitive, reliable and flexible industry such as ours. 

Allies of the textile sector, such as Inexmoda, Acicam and Artesanías de Colombia, will participate in the showcase , and it will take place at the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

It will be the start of Colombia Week in New York and the prelude to multiple activities such as the Business Macro Round, which will gather almost 600 Colombian exporters and 400 U. S. buyers over two days, with effective commercial agendas and in a favorable environment for bringing the Colombian offer closer to the needs of U. S. consumers, a virtuous cycle in the new world without tariffs.

In parallel, 80 small and medium Colombian enterprises will embark on an exploratory leveraging mission that will allow them to approach the market for the first time in the interest of beginning trade in it. They will have talks on the main demands for entering, consumer trends, distribution channels and logistics, that will be accompanied by field visits to the Port of New York and specialized stores.

A tourism promotion seminar will also be held where close to 100 operators from the United States will learn about the tourism destinations of Colombia and will hold a trade meeting with 50 Colombian businesspeople from the sector, thus seeking to encourage U. S .tourists to visit the diverse national destinations.

While the business appointments and seminars are held, over 150 supermarkets such as Publix, Shoprite, S&amp P, Wintixie, Sedanos, Fiesta Supermarket, Bogopa and A&amp P from New York, Florida, Texas and Georgia will have showings and activations of over 25 Colombian brands of angro-industrial products.

The Colombian government, through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and PROCOLOMBIA, is committed to the productive sector, with its exporters, to contribute to the success of large, medium and small companies, as well as to accompany them in capitalizing on opportunities with the certainty that more business will generate greater wealth and more trade and jobs. 

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