Bakery products, juices and chocolate, in addition to our traditional coffee, will be the main taste-sampling offers Colombia will take to SIAL Canada 2011.
The event, to be held from May 11th to the 13th in Toronto, is one of the most important international food trade shows in the world, dedicated to the professionals and experts on the subject.
Colombia's participation, led by PROCOLOMBIA, will be represented by the companies Ciamsa, Tropickit, Ingredia, Casa Luker, Pan Pa Yá , Pocafecol, Prodia, Café Quindí o and DML Sugar.
" We need distributors in Canada, and that is what we are going to find. In addition, we need medium-sized companies whom we can sell directly to" , said Francisco Gomez, international business manager for Casa Luker.
The national products to reach Canadian territories are white sugar, fruit pulp, chocolate cover, fresh sweet and salt bread, industrial products for confections and cookies, and special-origin ground roast coffee.
On the Trade Show
Every year, over 500 exhibitors and 12 thousand professionals from the agro-food industry visit SIAL, an event held in different cities in the world and targeted at a very specific-niche market, taking place in North America this year.
It is organized by the French Company SIAL S.A., which also organizes the five SIAL fairs in the world: Paris, China, Merco-Sur, Canada and the Middle East.
The intent is to offer world producers the opportunity to exchange ideas and get to know everything about innovation and the latest trends in the agro-food industry. Furthermore, it allows Colombia to come closer to other nations.
A country of opportunities for the agro-industrial sector
As part of the exports diversification process, PROCOLOMBIA has found that thanks to Canadian people&rsquo s proclivity to consume natural and organic products, they will be able to find Colombian suppliers of exotic fruits, fresh vegetables and ethnic products.
Moreover, products like sugar, flowers, cocoa, processed rice, textiles and cereals were observed to have great market opportunities in the Canadian market, especially through the Free Trade Agreement between the two countries.
The FTA between Colombia and Canada is a result of the economic internationalization policy led by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism.