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Colombia and the United States Sign Open Skies Agreement

The signing of the Open Skies Agreement embodies an even closer partnership between both countries benefiting passenger and cargo service based on consumer demand and market conditions

The signing of the Open Skies Agreement by Under Secretary of State William J. Burns and Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin in Bogota strengthens the already strong bilateral, regional, and international relationships between the United States and Colombia. The new Open Skies air transportation relationship embodies an even closer partnership between both countries benefiting passenger and cargo service based on consumer demand and market conditions.

According to the Open Skies Agreement, the bilateral relations between the United States and Colombia " will strengthen and expand already strong trade and tourism links.&rdquo These will benefit businesses and travelers providing passengers with a broader air services, good prices, safety and security.

Currently, the US is the biggest aviation market for Colombia with 19.2% of travelers coming from the US in the first quarter of 2011. Colombia is the second largest aviation market for the US in Latin America.

Colombia&rsquo s geographical location positions it among the top destinations for leisure and business travel as there are currently 207 direct weekly flights from major carriers connecting eight cities in the United States to six cities in Colombia. According to the Administrative Department of Security, the tourism figures indicate a promising start in 2011 with a 15.4% increase in international travelers to Colombia, as compared to early 2010.

The Open Skies Agreement is to take effect at the end of 2012, generating more routes, destinations, and competitive prices for travelers.

For the full note on behalf of the U.S. Department of State, click here:
Source: Official Blog of the U.S. Department of State.

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