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Cafe Quindio was acknowledged as one of the four best in the world at SIAL 2011

The Colombian drink stood out among 22 coffee varieties competing in the Coffee Cup Contest which took place in Canada.

From left to right, Jaime Moreno and Andr&eacute s Moreno, owners and representatives of Caf&eacute Quind&iacute o, Rodolfo Moseres, Consul and trade Commissioner, Nubia Motta, General Manager of Caf&eacute Quind&iacute o and Rafael Vargas, Commercial Advisor of Caf&eacute Quind&iacute o, SIAL Canada 2011.

Colombian Coffee, represented in Toronto by Cafe Quindio, is considered one of the four best coffees in the world at the Coffee Cup contest which took place during the first day of the SIAL food fair in Canada, 2011.

The drink stood out among 22 coffees from several countries in the world, and after the contest it was exhibited in a special showcase with the other three winners from Ethiopia, Italy and Brazil. The award was given by Sevan Istamboulian, one of the most renowned tasters from the United States Special Coffee Association.

Cafe Quindio is one of the nine companies that are part of the national representation at the PROCOLOMBIA stand, which seeks to increase food exports into that country.

" This is very important for us because we are competing against 22 coffees from several countries in the world and we have brought a product grown by a community from the village of Genova, Quindio, who have worked to attain a coffee friendly with the environment and diversity,&rdquo said Nubia Motta, General Manager of Cafe Quindio, present at the fair.

She also said this is an acknowledgement to the work done by the Asocafes community and the project for Productive Alliances from the Ministry of Agriculture. This is a social responsibility initiative by coffee growers with the participation of the Armenia Chamber of Commerce and the Genova City Hall.

The awarded product is grown at a height between 1,800 and 1,900 meters above sea level, with a special chocolaty profile, mild acidity and a strong aroma. This is a special type of coffee because its origin from " Genova&rdquo is certified, thanks to its agrological features.
SIAL 2011 is one of the most important food fairs in the world, which gathers over 500 exhibitors and is visited by over 12 thousand professionals from the agro-food industry, which is focused on the North American market this year.

&quot We hope this award generates new business opportunities for us to compensate our farmers' efforts, who get a percentage of the net profits from the sale of every pound of coffee&quot , said Motta.

Thanks to its activity with the community and the preservation of the environment, Cafe Quindio has been certified by Rainforest Alliance and GTZ.
Colombia's participation, led by PROCOLOMBIA, will be represented by the companies Ciamsa, Tropickit, Ingredia, Casa Luker, Pan Pa Y&aacute , Pocafecol, Prodia, Caf&eacute Quind&iacute o and DML Sugar, all present and on display at the PROCOLOMBIA stand.

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