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After a positive outcome from their participation at Anuga 2011, Colombian exporters lost fear of the European market

The products on exhibit by the 29 domestic companies attending the most important food and beverage fair in the world, held in Germany, have been some of the most popular.

The first participation of Colombia at Anuga 2011, the most important food and beverage fair in the world, has raised enthusiasm and left good business prospects for the 29 attendees with their export products.

According to Andres Velasco Sardi, of Agricola Himalaya S.A., which took a sample of teas and infusions, the show has taught them two important lessons: " First, what it means to stand as a company to sell to a very demanding market such as European one. It makes you measure yourself in this way, but the result was very satisfying because the products have enjoyed a lot of popularity."

The second lesson, according to Velasco, has been to look at the existing trends in the world of food. " This, in short, is training these companies to visualize the European market intelligently and strategically."
The Colombian participation, supported by PROCOLOMBIA, is made up of nine companies on an exploratory mission, and another 20 as exhibitors spread across the stands of frozen foods, meats, fine foods and hot drinks and bakery.

One of the surprises, according to participants, was how some of the buyers approaching their exhibition stands knew about their products. " I didn' t think it would be so easy and that the world already knew that Colombia had good products to offer. I feel very proud of the sector I represent," said Leona Santos of Procesadora de Carnes de Santander (Procesan S.A.), which achieved several important business contacts with entrepreneurs from Angola, Russia, Argentina and Paraguay.

However, not all of the visitors knew about Colombian products, but thanks to the sample tastings, business deals have already been closed. " We have blended our flavors with those of other exhibitors, so we give visitors combinations like ' panela' (brown sugar paste) and tea, or ' panela' and coffee.  The acceptance has been overwhelming," said Carolina Aranda of Doñ a Panela.

Many of the entrepreneurs are already setting their sights on Europe as a destination for their exports, something they viewed in the past as a long-term goal. " We have seen very good acceptance by our clients, which grants us the assurance of beginning to sell in countries like Switzerland, France and Easter European countries," concluded Juan Carlos Segura of Alicolsa.

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