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Óscar Córdoba Promotes Colombia during the America’s Cup in Argentina

For two days, the player of Boca Juniors from Argentina will visit the main radio and TV stations to show the Colombian tourism offer. At the same time, he will visit the Colombian information center located at the press room of the America’s Cup.

" We are here to show all Argentineans and journalists covering the America&rsquo s Cup that Colombia is ready for the Sub20 World Cup. We&rsquo ll be waiting for you in Colombia starting next July 29th&rdquo .

These are the words used by the former goalkeeper of the Colombian team, &Oacute scar C&oacute rdoba, to the hundredths of journalists who visit every day the press conference room arranged in Buenos Aires to cover the 2011 America&rsquo s Cup.

PROCOLOMBIA, with the support of the Tourism Promotion Fund of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, installed at the main press conference room of the America&rsquo s Cup a novel Colombian information center to explain the tourism offer provided by Colombia.

The tourism appeal of Medell&iacute n, Cali, Barranquilla, Pereira, Armenia, Manizales, Cartagena and Bogot&aacute , their gastronomy offer, the main places that a visitor MUST visit, among others, are offered through booklets and videos, accompanied by the Colombian goalkeeper and the Colombian Ambassador in Argentina, &Aacute lvaro Garc&iacute a.

" We are very pleased to carry out this session with Proexport. What could be better than promoting our country in the framework of the Sub20 World Cup and to ensure that people worldwide is aware that Colombia has outstanding sites that must be visited&rdquo , affirmed Garc&iacute a.

&Oacute scar C&oacute rdoba will visit this Wednesday to the main TV stations of Argentina, Fox Sports and ESPN, as well as the radio stations, to continue with the promotion of Colombia and to invite soccer followers to enjoy the Sub20 World Cup in our country.

At the same time, he will personally visit the PROCOLOMBIA stand to explain to the press why the only risk one can face in Colombia is the desire to stay there.

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