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"Discover the Magic of our Country during the Sub20 World Cup": Oscar Córdoba

In the main sport channels in Latin America, the former goalkeeper of the Colombian team invited soccer followers to discover Colombia and the opportunities it offers for tourism during the Youth World Cup events.

During the visit to promote Colombia, made by PROCOLOMBIA with the support of the Tourism Promotion Fund of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, the Boca Juniors idol and former goalkeeper of the Colombian team, Oscar C&oacute rdoba, visited the main sports channels of Latin America.

In an interview with Fox Sports and ESPN, C&oacute rdoba invited soccer followers to discover the opportunities offered by Colombian tourism agencies during the Sub20 FIFA World Cup, which will begin next July 29th.

&quot For a couple of months now, we have been visiting with PROCOLOMBIA the different countries to promote Colombia. The objective is to allow you to discover what Colombia has to offer, and to enjoy our Caribbean beaches, the Coffee Triangle in the central area of the country, Cali, the world Salsa capital city, Medell&iacute n with the magic of flowers and fashion, Barranquilla with its carnival, and Bogot&aacute the capital of Theater&quot , expressed C&oacute rdoba.

Together with the Colombian Ambassador in Argentina, &Aacute lvaro Garc&iacute a, the former Colombian soccer player personally visits the information center arranged by PROCOLOMBIA in the main press conference room of the America&rsquo s Cup.

&quot We want to personally extend the invitation to journalists and, through them, to all soccer followers to our country, because Colombia is ready and its people anxious to receive them. The World Cup cities have prepared a party that you cannot afford to miss &quot , added C&oacute rdoba.

Booklets and videos are used to promote the tourism appeal of Medell&iacute n, Bogota, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Armenia, Pereira and Manizales in order to promote tourism in these regions.

The agenda will continue this Thursday with meetings to be held with the foreign media attending the America&rsquo s Cup and the promotion of Colombia in the information center arranged by PROCOLOMBIA and the Tourism Promotion Fund of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism in Buenos Aires.


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