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Valle del Cauca, third most preferred destination for direct foreign investment

Proexport Colombia has detected IED opportunities in the region around “Call Centers” and BPO, port infrastructure, alternate energy sources like fuel alcohol, productive plants for the markets and hotels in the Pacific coast, among others.

Valle del Cauca is the third most preferred destination by international investors who have decided to establish themselves in Colombia, thanks to their geostrategic location close to the port of Buenaventura and good air-traffic connections, among other reasons.

According to the reports by the Central Bank, during the third quarter of 2010 Valle received over US$60 million in IED, after Bogotá and Antioquia, which occupy the two first places respectively, equivalent to 4.7% of the domestic share.       

This is evidence of the fact that international entrepreneurs have trusted and acknowledged the advantages of establishing their businesses in Valle as a geostrategic place, the competitive factor in the quality of education received by its inhabitants, the digital connectivity infrastructure, high public utility coverage and access to domestic and international markets.

In addition, Valle del Cauca boasts the best international air-traffic connectivity in the country after Bogotá , and shelters numerous research and development centers, in addition to its large number of bilingual education institutions where English, German, Italian and French are spoken.

Valle is currently one of the Provincial Departments with the highest amount of foreign investment in the country, with 55 medium and large sized companies which hold 50% or more of foreign capital.

Traditionally the region has established companies in the field of metal mechanics and those dedicated to the manufacturing of paper, cardboard and derivative products.

As part of its diversification and innovation processes all around the country, PROCOLOMBIA has detected that the region has, in addition, great potential for the establishment of " Call Centers&rdquo and BPO, port infrastructure, alternate energies like fuel alcohol, productive plants dedicated to supply the markets in the Pacific basin and hotels, among others. To that end, the entity is working hand in hand with the new investment agency, Invest Pacific.

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