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There Are Opportunities in Israel for Colombian Kosher-Certified Meat

The Colombian company, Colanta, arrived at this conclusion following an exploratory visit to Israel with Proexport to identify market niches.

The Colombian meat sector has a potential commercial partner in Israel, a country that, although demands modifications to the portfolio of products offered, depends on imports to a large degree.

The Colombian company, Colanta, arrived at this conclusion after participating in an exploratory mission organized by PROCOLOMBIA and the Colombia-Israel Chamber of Commerce. " The visit allowed us to identify that there is a demand, since the beef market has an unmet demand of 70%," indicated Carlos Arturo González, Director of Colanta' s Operations Division.

He also clarified that to enter the Israeli market, it is necessary to obtain kosher certification. " It' s essential for the commercialization of meat, so we' ve already had several meetings with a Colombian rabbi with whom we' re working very closely," he added.

To obtain kosher certification, which guarantees the quality control of food according to Jewish biblical law, an inspection is carried out by a rabbi. He visits the plant and offers conventional sanitation alternatives.

The objective of the mission, in which 15 Colombian companies participated, was to explore the commercial opportunities between the two countries. " Among other opportunities in this market, we' ve identified potential products such as confectionery, fresh flowers, animal feed, sugars and honeys, ornamental fish, household items, raw and prepared hides, and clothing items such as bathing suits," said PROCOLOMBIA President, María Claudia Lacouture.

Israel is also a potential partner for technological exchange. Although Colanta found that there are no concrete possibilities for products such as milk or dairy products since the market is self-sufficient, the Colombian sector can make the most of Israel' s knowledge of production on difficult terrain.

" It' s surprising how, despite the fact that the land in Israel is desert, there are companies dedicated to milking technology and milk testing that produce very high quality milk. We were able to observe various trends that will help us to improve our industry," González stated.

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