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St. Valentine's Day Will be Celebrated with Colombian Flowers

Freedom roses are the most demanded flower in English-speaking countries. There is also demand for carnations, bouquets, Peruvian lilies, chrysanthemums, and heliconias of various colors, including red, pink and white.

As the United States and Canada get ready for Valentine' s Day, celebrated with gusto on February 14, Colombian flower exporters have been ready since the beginning of the year, so that their products will be the ideal gift for couples in love in these two countries.

Valentine' s Day is one of the most important dates for Colombian flower growers. According to an analysis by PROCOLOMBIA, demand for their product is mostly for red, pink, white and green flowers or flowers with those hues. In fact, the most sought-after flower is the red rose (Freedom), in addition to carnations, bouquets, Peruvian lilies, chrysanthemums and heliconias. Colombia is the top producer of these flowers worldwide.

According to data from the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, Colombia will be exporting around 500 million tons of flowers for Valentine' s Day.

Several factors have helped Colombia to become consolidated as one of the top flower suppliers for this date. Flower growers have been exporting their products for over 40 years, and during that time, they have forged the image of a producer country that stands out for having the greatest variety of exotic and export quality flowers in the world. There are nearly 1,500 types that are distinguished due to their quality, size, color and scent.

Among other strengths, Colombia boasts favorable conditions of light, humidity, temperature and soil fertility, which facilitate growth, and flowers are available year-round. Because there are no seasons, crops do not require infrastructure to simulate temperature for growth, as is the case in other countries.

Colombia exports the second greatest amount of flowers in the world after the Netherlands. According to information by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, with figures from the DANE, between January and November 2012 sales abroad totaled US$1.188 billion. The United States is the most important market, with a 76.6% share of the total exports. Followed by Russia (5.4%), Japan (3.7%), the UK (3.4%) and Canada (2.8%).

Exports in February 2011 totaled US$120.8 million, with a 9.8% share of the total flowers exported that year. In 2012, the figure reached US$99.6 billion, with an 8.4% share.

According to PROCOLOMBIA president Maria Claudia Lacouture, in recent years they have identified opportunities to export flowers to Lebanon, Azerbaijan, India, Georgia, the Philippines, French Guyana, Kenya, New Guinea and Turkey.

Last year at the Flowers Expo 2012 in Moscow, " because of their quality and diversity, Colombian flowers received 20 of the 50 gold medals awarded at the closing ceremony. Colombia' s stand was called " Colombia, land of flowers" , and it was recognized as the best collective presentation at the event," said Lacouture.

Other key dates for Colombian exports include:

  • Women' s day (March 8): Russia demands large roses of every color, with long stems and large heads.
  • Mother' s Day (May 12): important date in the United States, the UK and Russia - demand for flowers of every color, especially roses and carnations.
  • June and July: two key months because it is wedding season in the northern hemisphere. Demand for all types of flowers.
  • The 4th of July in the United States: flowers painted red,white and blue, like the flag. They are exported as bouquets.
  • September: the school year begins in Russia. It is important because all the students take their teachers flowers.
  • Christmas: roses are exported mostly to the United States and the UK.
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